Black Screen of death and Unsupported Video Configuration Detected

Oct 20, 2018
Dell 7010 PC powers on good but the monitor stays black,when I try to change the Monitor it says Unsupported Video Configuration Detected System Halt! etc. Help me.
Need full details about the system and the issue, when did this start, what did you try already, full system specs, etc...? What do you mean "change the monitor", as in the resolution settings? If the monitor stays black, how are you changing things? Need to post exactly what happens from the time you turn on the computer, what you see, error messages, when they come up, can you see the BIOS screen, can you get into the BIOS, and details about when this started.
Yeah,it Got fixed,by using this and the other thing you can do is (for the black screen) go to the BIOS to fix it. (I couldn't enter the BIOS before that's why) I managed to get in the BIOS and check mark the Multi display in video.