Black Screen Restart/ crash when Playing Games and Looping sound of game


Jul 20, 2017
Hello, guys today i just opened my laptop to play games, and all the sudden while I am in the battle playing.
I get a Black screen with a weird sound like a roaring sound the first half of it is the game sound and this weird roaring sound.
And then my pc restarts it self and I go to check windows event viewer and I See it says

Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN
60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage
> 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003.
Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected.

And a sudden pop up saying

Windows has recovered from unexpected shutdown

Details are: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 14337

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 116
BCP1: FFFFFA80020B24E0
BCP2: FFFFF880045A3E6C
BCP4: 0000000000000003
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1

This happens to every app that is a game in my laptop like tankionline and csgo and gta IV

My specs

- CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) 2 Duo CPU T9600 @2.80 Ghz Ghz 2.80
- Installed RAM: 2
- System Type: 64
- OS: Windows 7
- Hard disk: 311 GB Free space
- Graphics card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650

And also I am using A Hp Laptop pavilian Entertaintment PC
Open Hardware monitor only tells You what is happening, it does not control temperature related functions. What You can do to lower heat output in general:

- Check Bios and Catalyst for overclocking. If it is there, disable it. Possibly even enable it to -underclock- Your GPU
- Check Bios and Catalyst for fanspeeds. If You have a separate utility for these check it as well and just fix it rather far up for now.

To manage heat throttling and heat warnings/limits You'll need a management program, possibly Your mainboard manufacturer or AMD offer these, but I honestly do not know what to use and what works well, You'll have to wait for someone else to answer or google this Yourself.

Given that it does not seem to be a heat issue -...
Ok Any ways how should i cool it off and btw i lunched my pc and opened it was cooled as hell no heat at all i opened a game same issue 🙁 and here where i live (UAE) I don't know any specialist cuz i am living in sharjah I did take it to a computer repairer he said i got windows 10 when it wasnt compatiable for this pc so he changed it to 64 bit and made my ram 2 also no change he did say maybe gpu problem but i cant get any graphic card for this laptop


There are many issues that can cause this.
1: You need to change the thermal paste, because the cpu is overheating, even if you do not feel it. (been here, I reached 104 celcius)
2: Your gpu may die.
I think there are others, but I can't remind them.
Try and ask more forums, maybe you will find a solution. I hate when the pc is making troubles.

Thanks for sharing this. I have a similar issue, with the exact same error message in my event log. After running dozens of tests on my hardware:
AMD Phenom II X4 955
Radeon HD 6870
8GB Ram
Win7 Ultimate
Forgot which PSU but it's an 800W constant power

including a memory test, stress testing GPU and CPU with no issues, and monitoring showing no overheating whatsoever I would assume that You and I have a similar problem. The only common denominators between Your laptop and my (ancient...) gaming rig are the graphics card and therefore catalyst drivers and win 7. I have an ultimate edition installed. Given that this suggests an issue with either the card or much more likely the software, I'll now investigate further and try digging up a solution. Again, thanks for sharing. Having two cases allows for a lot more sorting out than a single issue.

Update. The error message is insignificant.
Here is a fix, but all it does is remove the message. The issue is somewhere else, obviously. Still searching.

I do have a windows 7 Ultimate
I really just assuem u can't these kind of games on a bad laptop like mines..
There is a game that this issue doesnt come in it but if so i dont get the issue i must lower down to the lowest graphics.
Hello Zinx_ !
- it almost certainly does not have anything to do with the performance of Your laptop - it should slow down if it is overheating first, and You should hear the cooler wailing for a while, but not suddenly crash within a few minutes after a cold reboot. To be certain:
- Make sure You have it placed on a flat, hard surface, like a desk so the cooling slits are not blocked
- run a system monitoring tool to check temperatures, I have had good experiences with open hardware monitor: - no adware, no "trial" extortion.
- stress test, but carefully, meaning, set the tools to low max temperatures and monitor constantly (CPU should probably not go over 80°C, GPU not beyond 95°C - though they are supposedly designed to handle up to 120°C for a short duration...) - laptops are crap at dissipating heat, so, again, be careful with this. If You do not get the same issue from running i.e. Furmark for a while, I'd conclude it is >not< a performance or overheating issue. If the error actuallly occurs, well, then there's Your culprit.
( )
I lowered all settings on my games to check this, and it has absolutely no impact, I even underclocked my GPU to be absolutely certain, and it stays snuggly below 80°C.

I have read in some obscure sidenote that it might have something to do with the Win7 ult disk encryption tools. Still investigating though. If I can fix my problem, I'll let You know all relevant steps.
Using open Hard monitor How can i make it so my GPU Doesn't go beyond 95c and make it not go over 80degress the cpu? and also i opened the game while my heat degree was 43 to 50 and it still crashed
Open Hardware monitor only tells You what is happening, it does not control temperature related functions. What You can do to lower heat output in general:

- Check Bios and Catalyst for overclocking. If it is there, disable it. Possibly even enable it to -underclock- Your GPU
- Check Bios and Catalyst for fanspeeds. If You have a separate utility for these check it as well and just fix it rather far up for now.

To manage heat throttling and heat warnings/limits You'll need a management program, possibly Your mainboard manufacturer or AMD offer these, but I honestly do not know what to use and what works well, You'll have to wait for someone else to answer or google this Yourself.

Given that it does not seem to be a heat issue - again, after a cold reboot this should not be happening as quickly - it might be Your hardware is actually damaged in some very specific place (can happen through overheating, dirt, humidity, stark temperature differences, shaking, etc.). It is hard to fix this or even check it on a laptop. If you still have warranty, try to ask for a repair or replacement at either the place You bought it, or the manufacturer. If not, this is going to be tough. You'll probably have to disassemble the laptop piece by piece (an annoying and time-consuming task requiring a steady hand and endless patience but no particular skills...) and check for obviously broken parts. Clean it out thoroughly, check for any speck of dirt on the platines and in coolers etc. - I'd suggest a partial (functional) reassembly afterwards to check if the problem persists, even if You found nothing (sometimes, even with laptops, as they are portable devices, something is just loose....) - if it's still there You probably have a defective GPU or possibly Mainboard or CPU.
I strongly suggest waiting for other answers and doing more research - maybe You'll find something yet - before doing this. If You do, try to find how-to vids and posts online specific to Your model that warn You of difficult or dangerous details.

Sorry, there is not much else I can do for You. (My case is resolved, there was a smudge of dirt in a very unlikely place on the graphics card connecting some contacts, since I cleaned that off the machine has run stable...)