Black Screen, White Lines on startup with the occasional BSoD.


Feb 5, 2017
Hello, all.

My girlfriend was on her year-old, pre-built HP computer yesterday with a few webpages open, the most stressing of which was YouTube, while working in Photoshop when the music from YouTube began to distort ("It sound like it was leaving the Matrix") and the computer "went all pixel-y" for a moment then the display went to black, and she tried to manually reset. It may be worth noting at this point that she has case LEDs that change color based on CPU temperature, and she vaguely recalls them being green (which would indicate a higher-than-normal temp, as blue is the normal color even under decent load).
After the reset, the HP bootscreen appears and loads for a second or two and then the Windows logo bootscreen appears but goes black with white, horizontal lines and the top of the screen after about a half-second. You can still see part of the loading wheel frozen on screen at the bottom as well. On occasion, if you don't do anything and try to wait it out, you get a BSoD (Once the Stop Code was "VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR" if I recall correctly and the other few times it was the "DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION"). There were a few times in which I could actually get to the Windows Login screen, but it would go black with white lines after trying to load the desktop (and once it even loaded as if everything was fine, then I got the aforementioned black screen after a few seconds).
Through HP's boot menu I can navigate to the Windows troubleshooting and boot in Safe Mode. I unistsalled nVidia's drivers and reinstalled them from nVidia's website (the installer couldn't find the GTX 970 in her rig, so I had to edit an .ini in the install to point them at it. Don't know if that is relevant). Everything works fine at 1080 in Safe Mode. I am composing this post now on her computer in Safe Mode without issue.
At this point I'm not sure what to do to resolve this issue, and I humbly request assistance from anyone able to help.

Thank you for taking time to lend a hand.
Question from 138151337 : "Black Screen, White Lines on startup with the occasional BSoD."