Windows 10 boots up normally but I do want to add a msata ssd into my laptop and use that as the boot drive. But when I try to enter the bios to configure some settings, all i get is a black screen with a white cursor.
How do you get the cursor? Which key do you press to get into the BIOS?
Its a cyberpower fangbook III evo HX 6-100
I didnt install the msata yet. i wanted to be sure i was able to enter the bios and be able to boot from a usb.
its not really a cursor. its more like a white - on the top left similar to cmd. and I tried to enter bios from advanced restart and it gave me the black screen, I tried entering the bios from the logo but only the logo appears and no instructions to enter bios showed up. I tried pressing all the keys possible to enter bios and nothing worked.