Black screens on multiple games..?


Aug 14, 2013
Hi guys, been getting a strange occurrence lately where about 1-2 hrs into a game I'm presented with a black screen for a second or two, and then the game mainly pops back to life or on some occasions causes the game to hang. My GPU is OC'd but has been stable for about 12 months with no problems (temps are fine and no other visible artifacts as such) so really hoping it could be something else. Drivers are all up to date.

Any ideas as to the probable cause?

Possible causes on this may be PC overheating.Build in dust which is causing overheating or even the graphics card is "working" a lot.

Try to clan the build in of the PC,the components of the PC,which is causing overheating.If you don't know how there are a lot of guides and videos to show you how.

Also try changing the game resolution or the graphics.If resolution of the game is lower,then graphics card won't load many pixels, so it will be more free. Changing the game graphics will surely help and it will also increase fps.

Thanks for your response,

Admittedly I don't think I've ever given the interior of my PC a proper clean since building so I have looked at some guides on the subject, I've done that now (the fans were pretty dusty) and also dialled the clocks back a little.
I'll give it a few evenings of solid gaming (shouldn't be too difficult now Witcher 3 is out) and if I see no more issues I'll come back and post this as best answer.
