BlackBerry Responds to Fake BBM Reviews on Google Play

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Eh, if nothing else, we now know how to make a company *look* really shady if we want to discredit them upon the release of a new app - post a bunch of positive reviews with doctored up copies of e-mails from that company asking for the reviews to be posted for money.

Oddly enough though, I know a lot of people who have been asking for this for years.

anyways, if this had happened when they first talked about this idea i may have been interested as quite a few of my friends had blackberrys but now they've all traded them in for android so i dont see the point
Interestingly enough this is common practice, especially for big companies with lots of cash. There are outfits out there from whom you can buy rankings. sad but true!

anyways, if this had happened when they first talked about this idea i may have been interested as quite a few of my friends had blackberrys but now they've all traded them in for android so i dont see the point
This isn't even news worthy in my opinion. What concerns me is that any competitor could have easily shelled out the money to have the same effect and here the author implies that BB did it themselves. Easy to spot the anti-BB bias these days.
Most people should be able to spot original thoughts anyway. In most cases, I think people have already made up their minds whether to try the app or not. I requires 'friend' codes, right? I'd assume potential users probably talked to actual friends, and would choose their input over a bunch of silly comments.
Moonspell wrote: "This isn't even news worthy in my opinion. What concerns me is that any competitor could have easily shelled out the money to have the same effect and here the author implies that BB did it themselves. Easy to spot the anti-BB bias these days."

Yup. This one of the reasons I have no interest in making games for the wild west cesspool that is "google play". It's full of ways to abuse content creators, including massive, out of control pirating of paid apps...

Also, this anti-Blackberry bias makes me want to vomit. It's so pathetic that these "online journalists" (aka, biased douche bags with no understanding of journalism) are taken seriously by readers these days. Screw morals and credibility - we have ad revenue!

They all blame BBY for their "open access on servers from big-brother-nsa/cia/etc" but they all want to use that shity messenger is the new fb !
It has Samsung written all over it! They just got fined in Taiwan for giving money to students to write crap about HTC!
It's been a great week for Blackberry and naturally they want to steal their buzz!

no i didnt, i edited that comment in after i refreshed the page to see new comments and i reposted the comment i made from before. which happens all the time which is why we get so many multi posts
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