BlackBerry Struggles in the Sea of Advancements at MWC

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Tough sell for small-to-medium businesses that outsource their IT. Essentially, you can go out and buy either an Android or iPhone and connect it to Exchange (with possibly minor adjustments on the Exchange server) or pay your IT provider to install and configure BES. For larger corporations it makes sense, as long as you don't have to hear end users whining and complaining about not being able to use their iPhones.
My contract is about to expire and my N95 8GB is still chugging away after so many years. I've gotten that phone soaked and dropped on concrete numerous times and it keeps coming back. I'm looking to buy a phone but I don't think the new line of Blackberries will be out before the end of the year so I don't know if it's worth waiting.

See, the only thing I find appealing about a Blackberry to myself is the keyboard and BBM. As I use my phone for mostly Email, Messaging, Internet Browsing, and Calls, the Blackberry is appealing to me because it fits the bill the best. I absolutely love the small flashing light that tells you if you have any notifications. I hate having to turn the phone on to check.

But it's surprising how irrelevant RIM has become. Their phones are missing so many features it's very difficult to make it a good buy. Inferior hardware (CPU, GPU, RAM). Inferior camera, inferior screen. All it has going hardware-wise is a removable battery.

The device I think I'd want the most is a Windows Mobile one. But I hate being an early adopter of anything. I'll definitely buy a flagship Nokia device running WM8 after it's been through a couple of refreshes.

RIM looks destined to RIP.
[citation][nom]freggo[/nom]'rear seat' of a Porsche 911 ?It's a 2 seater... !The read bench is barely large enough for a shopping bag 🙂[/citation]

They were just wanting people to know who their friends are!
Such a biased article! What about TAT? What about Playbook OS 2.0? Android Runtime? Cascades?

Sure TAT's stuff is a concept, but it is exceptional. I haven't seen any other mobile device providing that.

What about the email with facebook and LinkedIn integration which easily makes it the best PIM system I have seen.

Crazy. Bias.
The biggest business growth area (certainly in the UK) for mobile telecommunications providers is actually in SOHO and Small/Medium business rather than corporate/enterprise. Therefore the statement that most IT pros prefer (or endorse on a safety level) Blackberry over other handsets is completely and utterly false.

Actually, 'most' IT professionals are working in an environment where Blackberry handsets and/or server software are no longer viable due to the exploding adoption rate of iOS/Android devices and the fact that the decision makers that pay for the IT deployment in the first place covet these devices.

Tom's do seem to be stuck in a pre-iPhone and pre-Android time warp in these reports where they still refer to Blackberry as the go-to device for business and for IT professionals.

It is not. The corporate market and enterprise-level IT professionals (with organisations where the enhanced device security, control and manageability of BES are most relevant) are actually a very small piece of the pie and not indicative of the general situation at all. The majority of IT professionals outside of enterprise are looking at iOS/Android devices and how they can make these work best for their organisation.

The reality is that the fastest growth areas in business mobile telecommunications are becoming saturated with more mainstream devices that support the Exchange Activesync protocol natively - which is slowly but surely reducing demand for BESX and BES.
It's going to be an uphill battle, but they are at least gaining some momentum. Primarily outside the US. It's thought that BB10 and a new device will be announced at BlackBerry World 2012 (May 1-3). If they can do that and actually get it out before the end of 2012, they potentially have a chance.

There are those who say that RIM will become RIP but if memory serves me right, there was another fruit based company that almost went RIP a few years ago...
[citation][nom]ghhgbvb[/nom]the Blackberry is appealing to me because it fits the bill the best. I absolutely love the small flashing light that tells you if you have any notifications. I hate having to turn the phone on to check.[/citation]

Way to copy my comment, dick.
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