BlackBerry Teaming Up with Foxconn, Reports $4.4B Loss

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Well okay Tom's but if there really was a $4.4 billion loss then they would literally be in debt now and pretty much gone. But instead they have cash on hand and are not in debt and the stock went up by 15%

Maybe, just maybe, the writes should have done a little research and put a smidgen of thought instead of going with the media norm of bashing BlackBerry. Oh well, can't be bothered to, this headline generates more clicks.
Let me rephrase that as what I said is not true. Its not a $4.4 billion real loss. Therefore not cash burn. But Tom's wrote it as a doom and gloom death article which is why I went explosive. It looks like these "losses" are in fact taking future commitments into account and will end up softening future earnings reports. The company is still fine and has actually decreased costs very substantially to the point that now a turnaround with the terrible sales they have is entirely feasible.
There really needs to be an edit button somewhere. For those that are interested the actual real cash like loss was about $380 million. Also the sell through of phones didn't take much of a hit at all just the channel sell in which means retailers are buying less BB phones but people seem to be buying around not that many less. Seems like this is the point at which BlackBerry has reached financial stability instead of constantly accelerating downward. They aren't in a good spot yet but the real danger has been avoided for the moment.
Absolutely correct. Tom, so A
Hardware has made the monumental mistake of not making proper research!

Blackberry, Sony, Samsung, LG, HTC and others are about to blow a certain competitor out of the water in the greatest electronic engineering revolution the world has ever seen!
Absolutely correct. Tom,s
Hardware has made the monumental mistake of not making proper research!

Blackberry, Sony, Samsung, LG, HTC and others are about to blow a certain competitor out of the water in the greatest electronic engineering revolution the world has ever seen!
Blackberry will go back to it roots - big governments and big business to get back on track. These two clients are very slow to take on new technology and so to them Blackberry is still state of the art technology!
Blackberry's loss was was $241 million.

they have nearly $4 billion in cash on hand. Please do some research.

BB10 is IMHO better than IOS and Android in many fronts. The bottom line BBerry's problem is not the platform , it's mindshare, they lost it a couple years ago and are struggling to get it back.
The company "recognized" hardware revenue on approximately 1.9 million BlackBerry smartphones compared to approximately 3.7 units sold in the previous quarter.

They only sold 3.7 units the previous quarter?
@meltbox360, the one who needs to read is you. One you need to learn how to read, then take an accounting class, then read the article again. The article clearly states what the loss includes, it never said it was 4.4 billion cash in losses, so you need to stop acting like you have PMS every time someone posts something about blackberry and read the damn thing.
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