blackscreen problem low fps


Jun 12, 2015
I think my setup is not that bad

Graphicscard nvida geforce gt730
Asus p5q mobo
Intel 2 quad q6600 processor 2,4 ghz (overclocked to 3 ghz)
4 gb ram (upgrade soon)
Windows 7

I was running my pc without overclocking normal but since the last 2 nvidia updates i have blackscreens while playin games, and it says that the graphicscard driver crashed.

Since i overclocked the cpu this is not that bad anymore but i have realy low frames (40-60 fps in csgo low settings!!!) i tryed everything to bump my fps and i got latest driver on everything.

Friends with even lower setups are runnin more fps in the most games.

What can i do?

(Sorry for bad english. I am from austria (; )


The blackscreens and crashes are probably caused by a beta driver.Meaning the driver is not finished and it's not stable.So go back to a stable/finished/full driver and It should be fixed.And the framerate you're getting is caused by your CPU since it's SUCH a low end cpu.You are better off getting the Pentium G2358 and overclocking it.