Blade and Soul low GPU usage/FPS


Oct 24, 2015
I've recently started playing blade and soul when I play sometimes I get around 90 fps but other times it'll dip down to 19-30 for no reason. In certain areas and I know ill expect low fps around crowded areas, but when i'm in the open world ( not that many players) I get around 20-45 when I know I should be able to run this game at a consistent 75+

OS: Windows 10 Pro
CPU:AMD FX-8150 @ Stock 3.6GHz
GPU:AMD R9 290
MOBO:asus sabertooth 990fx r2.0

Things ive tried so far:
1.Turning graphics up
2.Turning graphics down
3.Played around with the settings ingame
4.Tried using AMD 3D Application Settings to boost game quality


I have same issue with you im on TW server
OS: Windows 10 Home
CPU: Intel Core i5-4660
GPU: Nvidia GTX 970
RAM: DDR3 8GB 1600Mhz
i have do some research and i have no idea how to fix it my gpu usage at 30% and my fps same as you
I originally thought it could be a cpu bottleneck but the more I monitor all my hardware the less I think it is. I have this issue as well and I'm running

OS: Win10
CPU: AMD FX-8320 OC @ 4.5GHz
GPU: XFX R9 390
RAM: 16gb
MOBO: MSI 970 Gaming

After being in a populated town area for a bit my fps reaches about 62, out questing it can hit around 90. But I get constant hitches that can drop me down to anywhere from 15-40fps, and GPU utilization constantly jumping from 100% to 0% every few seconds. So I'm starting to feel like it's a mix of these games that don't officially support win10 and AMD drivers. I also have similar performance on win 8.1. I no longer have a copy of Win7 so I can't test that out.

I'm having the same issue. The game seems to not be using the GPU at all. I have an i7 processor, 16GB DD4 RAM, and an overclocked GTX 970 and I get like 10-20 FPS in towns. It appears to be a windows 10 issue. Game runs great with same specs on windows 7.


I was having the same problem and now I see that I had my integrated graphics card Intel one working instead of the GTX 860m maybe you have that problem.

No I completely turned off the integrated graphics in the bios. May I ask if you are running windows 10?

No Im not, but I dont think it is a problem with windows 10
The game is from 2012, is single threaded and DX9 based.
The official recommended cpu is an Intel Quadcore.

CPU/GPU arent utilised to max because the game is using directx 9. While ur setup is dx11.
Dx9 focuses heavily on 1 core processor and the rest are not fully utilised.
Hence, once it reaches 100% of that 1 core - thats where bottlenecking happens.
U can check it out on ur resource monitor. U'll notice that only 1 thread thats utilised at 90%-100% most of the time while ur gaming.
And thats only 1 core - ur not going to use 40% of ur total CPU usage.
And everytime that 1 thread spikes to 100% - thats when ur game stutters.
The game is channeling everything into a small hole when there are more holes that it can actually go through.
And ur GPU is just waiting and waiting for its data to transfer to it for it to render.
But its only getting a small wee bit of feedback from a single or two thread out of 4 or 8 core processors depending on ur rig.
Hence, why ur CPU and GPU is showing low utilisation.

CPU utilisation is like having a group of 4 people (CPU0, CPU1, CPU3 etc) but only 1 person (CPU0) thats doing the job. And the others arent doing anything, because the instruction is only for that 1 person (CPU0) to work. Its 1/4 core processor utilised. Hence, the low CPU usage.
Now ur GPU is super hungry and its only getting feedback from 1 CPU. Its 1/4 core processor feedback to render. Ur GPU is a heavy lifter and can lift 100kg, but its only been given 20kg worth of weight to lift - from 1 core processor, instead of 4 cores. Hence, the low GPU utilisation.

So new powerful rigs are not compatible - or the game isnt optimised for the new rigs.
Its why, it doesnt matter if u spend a rig that can support 3 monitors and a potload of other apps simultaneously.
U stand still at an area and u can get max fps over 120. But when other players start to show up or start combat, ur fps drops like shit.

The game cannot use more than 2-4 threads at best and that u want a fast core-by-core pentium CPU (that supports hyperthreading) or a true quadcore (doesnt need hyperthreading). That means i3 or i5-core.

If im getting this all wrong, please do correct me.

The only way for u to do this is go for i3 or i5-core, or if the devs actually make the game work on direct x 11 which can utilise ALL the core processors in the CPU. Devs are prolly not gonna go through it because to optimise the game for newer rigs require development costs and the company seems to be milking rather than focusing on development.