Blind ambition, Poor Judgement and now Country First.

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Obama just never seems to care about the slapstick level of hypocrisy that surfaces when his words are compared to his actions, does He?

Obama told a crowd at a battery plant in Holland, Michigan, this afternoon that Republicans must “find a way to put country ahead of party.” Obama went on to say, “There are some in congress right now who would rather see their opponents lose than see America win.”

After telling Congress to “Put Country before Party” Obama is scheduled to fly to New York City where he will raise money for the Democratic Party at the Ritz Carlton later this evening.

"We must put our country over if you'll excuse me, I have a DNC fundraiser to get to."

The way Team Obama has tanked the economy, I wish they’d try putting the country last just to see if that makes any difference.

I won't be eating Obama dog food, but I am looking forward to watching his legacy grow..

Colorado residents petitioned the U.S. Board on Geographic Names Thursday to name a mountain top in Colorado after John Denver. It set off a chain reaction. The next day Wall Street brokers asked NASA if they could name a meteor crater after Obama.

Seems to me you're proving him right.

A defensive outrage is the wrong way to dispute such criticism.

I suggest focusing more on fixing things rather than getting into a "How dare he" attitude.

A defensive outrage is the wrong way to dispute such criticism.

What are you talking about? Defensive outrage? Criticisim of what? Put down the crack pipe. [:badge:1]

I suggest focusing more on fixing things rather than getting into a "How dare he" attitude

You are waiting for someone to fix what exactly? No one can fix anything in your malformed imagination. No person in your lifetime anyway. How dare He? Drivvle? ...drivvle? Drivvle, drivvle.

A proper pass to get on the internet is required before logging on to Tom's Forum. Check your wishy washy rambling BS at the door. Making hundreds of posts of meaningless drivvle requires one. Three hundred and sixty-nine posts of drivvle in seven days requires a drivvle pass. Reynod has one. He may be able to help you out and let you use his if you just shut up with the BS useless drivvle for a day or two. :sol:

I'm not sure whether to condem you for your stupidity or marvel at your ability to form words.

Edit for Writer's embellishments.
Obviously you misinterpreted "find a way to put Country over Party".

It means stop bickering because your in a different party and work together to fix our problems, not against each other.

It does NOT mean abandon your political party or change your party.

384 posts in 9 days? Wow
I'll clarify what I said in the name of poor reading comprehension on your part.

After telling Congress to “Put Country before Party” Obama is scheduled to fly to New York City where he will raise money for the Democratic Party at the Ritz Carlton.

That was a joke. The joke addresses his personal level of hypocrisy. Not to mention his blind ambition, poor judgement and lack of rectitude.

Barack Obama's approval rating fell to forty percent in Gallup's poll Tuesday. There is worldwide anarchy. Standard and Poor's just downgraded the office of President of the United States from leader of the free world to entertainment director on the Titanic.

I don't even see it as hypocrisy anymore. I see it as spin and outright lies and propaganda.

Do everything you can to destroy the US economy (or hasten its demise) while pretending that you are taking the high moral ground and the other party is to blame.

Seems like a response is needed, tho could only be lacking against such Obama effrontery
I suggest typing on your puter anything that spins away from the truth
I also suggest, since he is the president, that its him who should stop being a fool, and raise money for the republicans, just to prove his own point, and also show hes the one that brings us together, as hes claimed in the past

A response? Perhaps, but anger and hostility is probably not a productive way to respond to a call to civility.

Such rage while it may be personally gratifying, can end up being more costly.

I also suggest, since he is the president, that its him who should stop being a fool, and raise money for the republicans, just to prove his own point, and also show hes the one that brings us together, as hes claimed in the past

Many of his supporters feel the opposite, that he's done more than enough, that continuing to try is counter-productive. The old give them an inch, they'll take a mile concern.

I can't say it's unjustified. Boehner said he got 98 percent of what he wanted, but it's treated as if the Democrats were the ones cruelly forcing compromise on the Republicans.


Well, at least they're united in their plans. That means it is SURE to succeed!

Whos angry? The American people are, and this foolhardiness will only bring more
He cant help himself, hes been exposed, and the people dont like what theyre seeing
Simple as that
Hes been at the helm far too long, only blames others, removes one of the most important acts away from the constitution by agreeing and appointing 6 people assigned to "fix" things.
He didnt have to side with either party, and only shows what getting along can do, make the people even angrier
He doesnt need to call out a single party either, but he did
He doesnt need to raise money for dems, they dont have rich people, remember?
He could start acting presidential
He could make his own way, and shouldnt be discouraged because the only time hed done so, was voted down 97-0
He needs to suck it up
Show hes not only a man, but presidential material

You see, people dont give a rip about Boehner either, especially the libs/dems, they dont get it
The rino reps do tho, as theyre immediately threatened in their own party

So, understand this
This isnt a republican only as Obama sited, problem, as the dems are in it even deeper
The problem is, its the tea party, and the growing amounts of people siding with them

So, yes, drop your "side", dont blame any side, and get to work, but Obama cant help himself, and has to blame
A sure sign of weakness

This is your only specific grievance, and it's not even true. The votes against that budget were because one with 4 trillion in cuts was also proposed.

So they picked that choice over the smaller one.

This isnt a republican only as Obama sited, problem, as the dems are in it even deeper

President Obama has made several statements regarding the need for compromise on the Democratic side. And he's offered more than a few compromises himself.

So, yes, drop your "side", dont blame any side, and get to work, but Obama cant help himself, and has to blame
A sure sign of weakness

A surer sign of weakness is to never call out the other side when they do wrong.

If you believe in yourself, you have to be sure enough to say "Hey, stop screwing around" to somebody else.

Doesn't mean you're going to be right doing it, but it's not a wrong thing.
Im sure Obama didnt mean republicans when he named them, and called them out
And surer still he is that weak as well by doing so
He needs to man up, but, he cant

A leader leads by example, we have no such examples
Only blaming and calling out against one side.

If someone asks too much, and then complains others arent going along, whos to blame?
Why did Boehner walk out?
What about that 400 billion that was added on?
That ended quickly, to Boehners credit, as he sisnt blame Obama, and let it go
He didnt make his stand obviously, but went beyond what was at one point agreed upon

Boehner failed as well, because those cuts werent enough, which shows S&Ps response
Theyre all failing us, as shown by the current polls, and if someone really likes whats gone on, and has hope for their "guy", I think its too late

I'm sure he did when speaking against them.

That doesn't mean he didn't call out his own party elsewhere.

However, a false equivocation is a sign of weakness. Sometimes you do have to believe you are in the right.

Only blaming and calling out against one side.

No, it's on both sides. Republicans blame Democrats. Democrats blame Republicans.

Getting past that would be nice. Going into a frothing rage over being called out on it is not likely to work.

For the rest, I disagree with your accounts of the situation, but I decline to argue further with you over it.

I thought we were talking about Obama here, as in the OP and thread name

Speaking of the dirty wealth distributing, socialism embracing progressive holding on to the the flimsy idea of hope and change what's left of it. Obama is like herpes. You forget about how bad it is until it comes back.

Then there's Obamanomics.

The science of turning a recession into a great depression through out-of-control deficit spending, printing money, borrowing money from our enemies, and confiscating money from the private sector in the form of massive tax increases to "add or save" government jobs at a cost of $563,872 per job (according to Obama's 05/05/2010) and an average salary of $42,000.

And don't forget.

They've been in power in the Congress since January 2007 and controlled the White House since January 2009. Now, all of a sudden, the Democrats are noticing that 9.1% unemployment rate, the total 17% unemployment rate, and the anemic number of jobs being created as well as the pathetic GDP growth rate, and they're freaking out. Not because they regret their policies, but because they will be punished by the voters for them.

They had their chance. They failed. Now comes their absolute, blind panic.

Since Obama has been president:

* The number of unemployed people has gone from 12.5 million to 13.9 million, reflecting a net loss of well over 1 million jobs.

* The unemployment rate has been well above 8% for 24 consecutive months, and has been at 9.0% or higher for at least 14 of those 24 months.

* The national debt has risen by nearly 40%, going from $10.6 trillion in January 2009 to $14.3 trillion this month.

* Obama has added more debt in 27 months than Bush did during any 6 years of his presidency. From January 2001 to January 2009, the national debt rose from $5.7 trillion to $10.6 trillion--or $4.9 trillion in eight years. Obama, on the other hand, has already piled up $3.7 trillion of new debt in just 27 months.

* Obama has nearly tripled our rate of debt accumulation. Bush added debt at a rate of about $50 billion per month, but Obama is adding debt at a rate of over $130 billion per month.

* The dollar has lost over 15% of its value.

* Over 330 banks have failed.

* Gas prices have jumped to over $4 per gallon and have remained there for several months now.

* Obama cancelled all 77 new domestic oil and natural gas drilling leases that had been approved and that were in the process of being implemented. So much for energy independence.

* One of the supposed "success" stories has been Obama's bailout loan to GM-Chrysler. It's supposedly a success because we'll "only" lose $14 billion of the $80 billion. So, we're not even getting back all the principal on the loan, much less any interest, but we're losing $14 billion, or nearly 20% of the loan. (Why? One reason is that Team Obama didn't make GM restructure the way they should have.)

In a little over a year President Punk will have the opportunity to show all of his creativity as He steps quietly without a whimper into his next career.

'America has got to learn how to take a joke'

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