Blinking "_" at startup. Help!


Jan 1, 2017
I have a problem when I start my computer. Alright, I upgraded my Mobo and CPU recently, all the stuff went fine it launched and so. Then when I try to start it, I only see a blinking "_" on the screen. Nothing happens, then when I press the "reset" button, it launches like it should, boots into windows and all that. So that is my issue, the computer works fine but it would be nice to fix this little problem. Would be appreciated. :)
I'm guessing you didn't reinstall windows after the upgrade, did you?
There are 2 boot modes possible - legacy/csm and UEFI.
Your old motherboard BIOS was configured to boot into one of those modes.
It looks like your new motherboard allows both modes (starting first with the mode, that OS on your PC is not configured for).

Go into BIOS and change boot mode appropriately to one that was on your old motherboard (or try all modes until you find the right one).
I'm guessing you didn't reinstall windows after the upgrade, did you?
There are 2 boot modes possible - legacy/csm and UEFI.
Your old motherboard BIOS was configured to boot into one of those modes.
It looks like your new motherboard allows both modes (starting first with the mode, that OS on your PC is not configured for).

Go into BIOS and change boot mode appropriately to one that was on your old motherboard (or try all modes until you find the right one).