I play the living crap out of a private WotLK server for the past 5 years. So this is cool to see. I have played some on Nostalrius back when it first launched (private vanilla server) and it was cool. But you really learn how bad people's rose colored glasses have made them forget just how bad the game actually was. Many classes had just one spec that actually worked, and so much of the game was just a complete unfun pain in the ass. Its cool to some extent, but it had sooooooo many problems that people forget about. The pvp was a hot mess with most classes having but one usable spec, not good, just usable, and for many it was heal or nothing. The scaling was horrible, balance terrible, and it was a contest of who could kill who in under 5 secs first, if not nearly global them at high gear levels. And dont get me started on the rank system that was purely based on amount of continuous, non stop playtime and nothing more. The questing was also terrible with sparse content at best as you leveled up further, making grinding on just mobs a real thing. Again, some aspects were cool, but it was overshadowed by so many problems that it will be hard to keep current players interested in a game riddled with issues in 2017. Burning Crusade was really where the game should have been at launch, vanilla was like a very long beta.