Blizzard Celebrates StarCraft 2's Third Birthday

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Hasn't been much tech news since the FX-9xxx was launched and the Nexus 7 (2?). Well, I don't think we can get a new big innovation or technological device every week now, can we 🙁

Fair enough, come now AMD, we are all waiting on you 😀

Rather get a new CPU lineup or the refresh for Radeon (HD 8xxx/9xxx) :bounce: :ouch:

SC2 is definitely not meaningless. It caused people by the thousands to dust of their PC's/update their GPU or buy a new machine! The following is huge!!

As for quiet tech news lately? Who knows... it's summer! If it wasn't a recovery evening(Sunday night), the SC2 article would have gone unnoticed by me; buried by newer unread news. My monthly broadbrand usage has dropped to ~1 GB. I do consider myself a tech enthusiast, but it's so a winter thing... in June tree roots took out my fiber, frig it was a week till I bothered fixing it, lol.
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