Blizzard Finally Opens Shop in World of Warcraft

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When it goes F2P, I'll make sure to pop back in after all these years off my first love of MMOs, and play real casually, for the good times...
WoW isn't a series, its one game that Blizzard released. I am assuming you mean Warcraft 4 which is a completely different style of game based off the same universe. Whether this will be released depends on how their current projects go such as Heroes of the Storm (Their in development MOBA) and Hearthstone. WoW I doubt will see it's end for a while as long as MMO's are popular as they are still top of the genre in almost every aspect and are constantly releasing updates
I don't see anymore Warcraft games for a long time. There has been so much retconning with the Warcraft lore inside of WoW that if they followed the WoW retcons WC4 wouldn't have much in commin with WC's 1-3 and if they didn't follow the retcons then any potential WoW players to WC4 who didn't play the first 3 RTS WC games will feel like WoW was standalone.

If they ever do another Warcraft, I would expect an entire reboot.
World of Whorecraft. The start of the end, when soon it will be pay to win. They once had a great game before they made all of the classes and races the same and gave in to people who wanted instant gratification.
Wow became boring after WotLK when they stopped using lore and antagonists from WC3/TFT.

Would like to see an expansion that finishes off the Nethrezim/Dreadlords though. Then my wow adventures would be complete and it can continue to become pokemonpanda fodder.
And the boil is finally lanced. It all came to this, now it can bleed all over the place down to its inevitable death. Sad really, that the most popular MMO in history will slowly be eroded by a cash-shop that makes the game end with a F2P whimper rather than a bang. Oh well, the plug is pulled now and it's all circling the drain. Had to end sometime.
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