Blizzard Registers 'Project Blackstone' Domain Name

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It is most likely the expansion for Diablo 3. Why you ask? 1. The main soulstone that contains all the lords of hell is the black soulstone. There is one more stuck inside that stone, Leah, who was tricked by Diablo himself. So my theory since I beat it is that you will be tasked in trying to save her and you will have to either 1 venture into the stone or 2 release her and possibly the lord of hell.
[citation][nom]michalmierzwa[/nom]My guess is good as yours, Diablo 3 Expansion... but where the hell is the PVP they promised?[/citation]

They DID say in an interview pre-launch there would be no PvP till version 1.1
As hinted by one of the Blizzard Devs, this may be a redo of Blackthorne. Said dev said he was working on something cool, but couldn't directly say, but here's a hint and took a picture of Blizzard's timeline on when games were released and directly in the middle of the shot is Blackthorne.
It's Blizzard's response to Farmville! Two budgets were proposed, one for a $200M blockbuster, and one for a $20M "Farmville-esque" browser game. The $20M budget was accepted.

(Note: This is a complete fabrication, and an older rumor regarding Everquest 3 / EQ: Next. Either way, it doesn't mean crap til there's some in-game snaps/vids)
Reminds me of Blackthrone for SNES. One of the good old games.

Too bad even if they revive that IP coz i already sworn not to buy anything from Blizzard.
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