[SOLVED] Block Specific Webpage Without Blocking Whole Website?


Nov 12, 2013
Does anyone know a way to block a specific webpage on a device level? By webpage I mean a specific URL, not an entire website.

Sorry if this isn't quite the right section!
You would have to do it on the end client.

The URL itself is encrypted on almost every site now days. In many cases even the DNS lookup is encrypted so you can't even tell for sure the site if the IP address does not map back to a single site. It is very common with cloud hosting that IP addresses don't mean much anymore.

The blocking of the url and filtering by strings in the URL is long dead since the government got caught spying on the general public.
You would have to do it on the end client.

The URL itself is encrypted on almost every site now days. In many cases even the DNS lookup is encrypted so you can't even tell for sure the site if the IP address does not map back to a single site. It is very common with cloud hosting that IP addresses don't mean much anymore.

The blocking of the url and filtering by strings in the URL is long dead since the government got caught spying on the general public.