Blockbuster UK Reports Record-breaking Xbox One Pre-orders

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This was a good strategy by Blockbuster, who have almost gone bust, they have now got a massive portion of the pre-orders for it
Wait, there's a Blockbuster UK? They've been shutting down left and right in the US. The fact that there's a Blockbuster UK is the real news here.
"At Blockbuster, we have a fantastic array of adrenaline-fueled console games for sale or rental,"
Um, yeah. Well THAT is going to stop soon since the cr@pbox 1 either will not let you play rentals, or you are going to have to pay extra on top of the rental fee to play it.
I guess it goes to show that microsuck is still going to sell a record breaking amount of these things to the people who don't do the research or read reviews.

Calm don't think MS can and would make accommodations with rental outfits and customers for playing rental games? There won't be an added fee paid to MS to play a rental game. That would defeat the purpose of paying to rent a game in the first place.
I always have to be extremely suspicious of the legitimacy of pre-orders placed before the price of the product is even known.

Even if they did, it just means that the burden of the extra money is on the rental place instead of the end user.
This whole thing is 'bunk' anyways. I still feel that what microsoft and the game companies are doing is crap.
Out of the billions and billions of items on this planet, from cars to household goods to ANYTHING you have ever bought, can you name me just one thing that you have to pay for a second time when you buy it used? Or anything where the manufacturer gets a cut of the money when it is sold used?
And yet right below this article, and the comments, is/was whichever the case, about "Blockbuster UK enters administration; 4000 jobs at risk."
Should I assume those "record breaking, but unlisted" xbox pre-orders might be at risk? Maybe they just weren't record breaking enough.

That's not what this means. I don't support the fee, but the reason for having to pay to play a used game is because it means that they (the publisher or MS) lose out of a "new" game purchase. Used game purchase = no money to anyone other than the person selling it. The fee is so that way the publisher or MS (whomever it goes to) gets a cut of that transaction. Renting a game is completely different; the publisher or MS ALREADY gets a cut from game rentals because they have business contracts in place with rental outfits. There would be no point in assessing a fee on top of that to rent a game that MS already agreed that people can rent.

Sales tax. State and local governments in the US, for one, will always (or should I say, are legally entitled to) take their cut of a used-item sale regardless of whether tax has been paid on that item before (i.e., sales tax when buying a used car; the original new car purchase already had sales tax paid on it the first time, so why impose sales tax on the same item again?).
Wow, it smashed numbers from previous Blockbuster pre-order events? Maybe that's because nobody has ever bought a console from Blockbuster until now.
So Blockbuster UK had 100 console pre-orders on any given console, EVER! So now that they have 101 pre-orders, they have RECORD # of pre-orders! Even though no one knows the cost of the Xbox One. Then the follow up report should be after the price is listed. This would then probably say something like "After the posting the Xbox One price, we've had RECORD # of pre-order sales CANCELLED!". That would sum up what I'd think would really happen :)
when u buy a game, u don't own the game, u own the right to play the game within the guidelines of the publisher...
just like with music or video
your example of a car or household good is not applicable
Wait, Wait, Wait. Blockbuster doesn't take pre-orders for consoles, so of course they are breaking records. They have nothing to compare it to..........
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