Blocking out low frequency..

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Dec 2, 2015
Ok, So pretty much I live in a duplex and I still get pretty good isolation with sound.. But my mom will freak out if she hears just the littlest thump sound even if it's every 5 minutes. So, I'm thinking if I get some like 2 inch sound proof foam and put it on the door and maybe around it a little bit, Because all the sub and speaker sound is coming straight through that door and about 50 feet down the hallway which is full tile down to my moms room. So, what do you guys think my idea so far is I think it would help so much, Even though the sub goes through the vents and into my moms room and she sleeps right next to the vent.
low frequency can carry through walls or for quite a distance. while soundproofing could help a little, unless its pretty hefty its not going to be a solution. if you soundproof, i'd say at best would be a slight reduction.

yes, i realize having it on low has less effect, but if you're in a situation where you need to worry about your mother complaining you should be a bit more respectful of that and keep it turned down when she is home.
OK, well I can turn it down but the bass just doesn't have that feel with it on low.. and I mean I know for sure if I can dull the sound coming through the door into my moms room it can help, But I don't know what to use. My sub is a 10 inch 500 watt kicker.
low frequency can carry through walls or for quite a distance. while soundproofing could help a little, unless its pretty hefty its not going to be a solution. if you soundproof, i'd say at best would be a slight reduction.

yes, i realize having it on low has less effect, but if you're in a situation where you need to worry about your mother complaining you should be a bit more respectful of that and keep it turned down when she is home.
Foam on the wall keeps high frequencies from bouncing from wall to wall, Does nothing to reduce bass that can travel though small openings easily.
Since some bass does travel through contact you could isolate the sub from the floor with some spiked feet or a bass isolation platform but it would not solve you problem, The only sure solution is headphones.
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