Blogging is the New Black



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While I love to read and post on USEnet, especially these groups, I am
also starting to get into the whole blogging scene, and I wonder how
many other regular csipg'ers are into it also. If you have a blog,
please post to this thread, I'd like to add your RSS feed to my
aggregator and keep in touch.

Anyways, my gaming blog is, I haven't
posted a hell of a lot there yet. I'm contemplating moving it to it's
own domain and using something like Word Press or Movable Type to do
it, but I haven't gotten arround to that and really
makes it so easy. I also have a live journal that's more general
purpose, you can find the link to that on my gaming blog if you're

But the purpose of this post is to find out about YOU and YOUR blog(s)
so please post if you will. If you'd prefer not to advertise it, you
can send me an email, to knight-37m(at)g-mail,c-om take out the dashes
and I'm sure you can figure the rest out.
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Doh. Well posting via Google I should have realized that my google
email would got out naked. So just reply to email me. But please but
[blog] or something in the subject so you can bypass the spam filter.
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On 29 Apr 2005 09:16:59 -0700, ""
<> wrote:

>While I love to read and post on USEnet, especially these groups, I am
>also starting to get into the whole blogging scene,

Haven't you heard? Blogging is so yesterday.
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I like to stay just behind the cutting edge. I don't like the sight of

Well, unless it's pixellated blood. And gibs. Lots of gibs. I miss my
gibs. I was just playing Call of Duty and then it dawned on me, this
would be WAY COOLER with gibs. And blood. Lots of blood.
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<> wrote in message
> While I love to read and post on USEnet, especially these groups, I am
> also starting to get into the whole blogging scene, and I wonder how
> many other regular csipg'ers are into it also. If you have a blog,
> please post to this thread, I'd like to add your RSS feed to my
> aggregator and keep in touch.
> Anyways, my gaming blog is, I haven't
> posted a hell of a lot there yet. I'm contemplating moving it to it's
> own domain and using something like Word Press or Movable Type to do
> it, but I haven't gotten arround to that and really
> makes it so easy. I also have a live journal that's more general
> purpose, you can find the link to that on my gaming blog if you're
> interested.
> But the purpose of this post is to find out about YOU and YOUR blog(s)
> so please post if you will. If you'd prefer not to advertise it, you
> can send me an email, to knight-37m(at)g-mail,c-om take out the dashes
> and I'm sure you can figure the rest out.

I'm a bit unclear about blogging . . . how's it any different than say
having a Livejournal?
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"" <> wrote in

> Anyways, my gaming blog is

Ive been debating blogging. Since I have my own server I would probably
just load one on it for me and other domains Im letting use it.
But thanks for the post. It gives me a chance to use this sig :)

Gandalf Parker
"We are Blog. We assimilate entire groups. We force them to share the
collective mind. We are seeking perfection. You will Blog. Resistance is
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<> wrote in message
> If you have a blog, please post to this thread

April 29, 2005
Today the sun came out from behind the clouds after so many days of rain. I
was happy to see the sun.

Pa says the dog's been acting up again on account of the neighbour's bitch
being in heat. He wants me to cut off his damn balls, so he stops yapping.
I ain't never done nothing like that, but he says it's either the dog or me.

I don't rightly know what he means by that, but Pa's been deep into his
moonshine these past weeks, ever since ma took off for the city to be a
ballerina. She told him it was her dream. Pa shouldn't have said she was
too fat.

I'm still wondering what to do about the dog...

Stay tuned for more blogs, 'cause blogging is cool.
Archived from groups:,,, (More info?),1284,50443,00.html

For blogging, that happened Wednesday -- and NPR's three-minute piece
on how weblogging is transforming journalism was just one more sign
that blogging has outgrown its underground trendiness.
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["Followup-To:" header set to]
On 2005-04-29, <> wrote:

> But the purpose of this post is to find out about YOU and YOUR blog(s)
> so please post if you will. If you'd prefer not to advertise it, you
> can send me an email, to knight-37m(at)g-mail,c-om take out the dashes
> and I'm sure you can figure the rest out.

Sometimes I'd like to think Usenet is the last place the
blog-idiots hang out in. Sadly, that isn't the case.

When you grow up and realize the UNIVERSE DOESN'T CARE WHAT YOU
HAD FOR DINNER you might *understand* why blogs are the
equivalent of pollution on the Internet.

Until then feel free to live in your moms basement and flame me

One question, and I want an honest answer: how often does your
self-absorbed soul read other peoples blogs? Not very often my
friend. You're too busy trying to tell us about your life.
Archived from groups:,,, (More info?) <> wrote:
> While I love to read and post on USEnet, especially these groups, I am
> also starting to get into the whole blogging scene, and I wonder how
> many other regular csipg'ers are into it also. If you have a blog,
> please post to this thread, I'd like to add your RSS feed to my
> aggregator and keep in touch.

I've been doing my own blogging for a few months now on my own site
(, but I don't write about gaming. Gaming
info tends to go either into my wiki, or on the forums of the various
groups I game with.

Mostly, I write about politics, photography, or technology.

Zed Pobre <> a.k.a. Zed Pobre <>
PGP key and fingerprint available on finger; encrypted mail welcomed.
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Zed Pobre <> once tried to test me with:

> <> wrote:
>> While I love to read and post on USEnet, especially these groups, I am
>> also starting to get into the whole blogging scene, and I wonder how
>> many other regular csipg'ers are into it also. If you have a blog,
>> please post to this thread, I'd like to add your RSS feed to my
>> aggregator and keep in touch.
> I've been doing my own blogging for a few months now on my own site
> (, but I don't write about gaming. Gaming
> info tends to go either into my wiki, or on the forums of the various
> groups I game with.
> Mostly, I write about politics, photography, or technology.

Cool, I like your blog, it's very well organized and the layout is nice.
Read a few entries, I think we have similar political leanings. :) Anyway
thanks for the link!


Knight37 -

Once a Gamer, Always a Gamer.
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"Grackle" <> once tried to test me with:

><> wrote in message
>> If you have a blog, please post to this thread
> April 29, 2005
> Today the sun came out from behind the clouds after so many days of
> rain. I was happy to see the sun.
> Pa says the dog's been acting up again on account of the neighbour's
> bitch being in heat. He wants me to cut off his damn balls, so he
> stops yapping. I ain't never done nothing like that, but he says it's
> either the dog or me.
> I don't rightly know what he means by that, but Pa's been deep into
> his moonshine these past weeks, ever since ma took off for the city to
> be a ballerina. She told him it was her dream. Pa shouldn't have
> said she was too fat.
> I'm still wondering what to do about the dog...



Knight37 -

Once a Gamer, Always a Gamer.
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"Codex" <> wrote in message
> On 29 Apr 2005 09:16:59 -0700, ""
> <> wrote:
> >While I love to read and post on USEnet, especially these groups, I am
> >also starting to get into the whole blogging scene,
> Haven't you heard? Blogging is so yesterday.

Lol. It's super scary yesterday. People have been doing this for years,
just didn't have a media friendly name. I just hate when the cutting edge
takers over something that has been around forever and gives it a cute name
and pacakages it.

All that said, I read blogs, and may blog myself, but I dunno. If so, I'll
let ya know.

Blog on,

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"Andrew" <spamtrap@localhost.> wrote in message
> Which is completely different to Usenet of course.

LOL, good comeback!
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In article <>, (Zed Pobre)

> Mostly, I write about politics, photography, or technology.

Just took a look. You seem sane enough to me, but then I'm firmly in the
Euro-liberal camp, so what would I know? 🙂

Anyway, just thought I'd disappoint you about those party political
broadcasts. They're spoofs, not the real deal sadly. Channel4 hired the
people who made that rather clever, but somewhat tasteless car-bombing
Volkswagen advert that went round the internet to make these. They're very
good, and have been broadcast on C4, but only with lots of warnings that
they're not the real thing, just in case anyone gets upset.

Andrew McP
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Quoth The Raven ""<> in
> While I love to read and post on USEnet, especially these groups, I am
> also starting to get into the whole blogging scene, and I wonder how
> many other regular csipg'ers are into it also. If you have a blog,
> please post to this thread, I'd like to add your RSS feed to my
> aggregator and keep in touch.
> Anyways, my gaming blog is, I haven't
> posted a hell of a lot there yet. I'm contemplating moving it to it's
> own domain and using something like Word Press or Movable Type to do
> it, but I haven't gotten arround to that and really
> makes it so easy. I also have a live journal that's more general
> purpose, you can find the link to that on my gaming blog if you're
> interested.
> But the purpose of this post is to find out about YOU and YOUR blog(s)
> so please post if you will. If you'd prefer not to advertise it, you
> can send me an email, to knight-37m(at)g-mail,c-om take out the dashes
> and I'm sure you can figure the rest out.

I've got a livejournal under the same name, however most people I have as
friends are people I've met in person, and the journal is too personal to
make public, hence why it is locked out to all but friends.

"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to
see an imperfect person perfectly."

Take out the _CURSEING to reply to me
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Codex <> once tried to test me with:

> For blogging, that happened Wednesday -- and NPR's three-minute piece
> on how weblogging is transforming journalism was just one more sign
> that blogging has outgrown its underground trendiness.

It's not about underground, it's not about trendiness (maybe chez geek, or
once was). It's about people expressing themselves.

All the BS marketing blogs and wanna-be journalist blogs are just the most
public sites. The actual blogs of people sharing their lives, now that's
what interests me. You can call it a blog or a personal web page, I don't
care, but what it boils down to is real people writing about real things.


Knight37 -

Once a Gamer, Always a Gamer.
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"Hank the Rapper" <> once tried to test me

> If you had a blog it would give you another venue to not tell everyone
> which games you have bought this year.

I don't think he actually plays games. My guess is he owns a gaming retail
store or something along those lines.


Knight37 -

Once a Gamer, Always a Gamer.
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Knight37 typed:
> Anyways, my gaming blog is

Hey, very enjoyable readings you have there, Knight.

Personally, I'm too lazy to blog my games, I just play 'em and
read about 'em. 😉 (Not in that order)

Now, what we need is ol' Desslock (remember him?) to transfer
his classic *RPG news* to blog format and update it every now
and then! (Yes! That was also great reading, and rambling)

So what is this about the Xbox 360 not going to be backwards
compatible? <*boggle*> - is that just a rumour or is that for
real? (Argh! How stupid can they get?! That would really piss
me, that means I'll need to buy an Xbox 180 just to play Jade
Empire, etc ;\ - when I was planning on waiting for the newer

};> Matt v3.2 <.{
Professional Devil
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"mec'devil" <> wrote in message
> Now, what we need is ol' Desslock (remember him?) to transfer
> his classic *RPG news* to blog format and update it every now
> and then! (Yes! That was also great reading, and rambling)

Would this be the same Desslock that writes for PC Gamer magazine?
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"mec'devil" <> once tried to test me with:

> Knight37 typed:
>> Anyways, my gaming blog is
> Hey, very enjoyable readings you have there, Knight.
> Personally, I'm too lazy to blog my games, I just play 'em and
> read about 'em. 😉 (Not in that order)

Hehe. Thanks, glad you liked the site.

> Now, what we need is ol' Desslock (remember him?) to transfer
> his classic *RPG news* to blog format and update it every now
> and then! (Yes! That was also great reading, and rambling)

Agreed, Desslock is a good read. Wish he had a blog. :)

> So what is this about the Xbox 360 not going to be backwards
> compatible? <*boggle*> - is that just a rumour or is that for
> real? (Argh! How stupid can they get?! That would really piss
> me, that means I'll need to buy an Xbox 180 just to play Jade
> Empire, etc ;\ - when I was planning on waiting for the newer
> consoles)

Well that's just the rumors I've heard, we'll know for sure after E3 in a
few weeks. I'm not going to E3 unfortunately (sister's graduation conflicts
with it) but I am planning on following the various sites that have live


Knight37 -

Once a Gamer, Always a Gamer.
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mec'devil typed:
> Hey, very enjoyable readings you have there, Knight.

Er, and in case that sounded a bit sarcastic, I was actually
serious. :) (And positive ;>) After reading the rest of the
thread, I'm not sure why all the negative posts... (?)

};> Matt v3.2 <.{
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"NightSky 421" <> once tried to test me with:

> "mec'devil" <> wrote in message
>> Now, what we need is ol' Desslock (remember him?) to transfer
>> his classic *RPG news* to blog format and update it every now
>> and then! (Yes! That was also great reading, and rambling)
> Would this be the same Desslock that writes for PC Gamer magazine?

Yeah, he used to be a regular here way back in the day. He also had a web
site on Gamespot for a while. It's still up:

But he hasn't updated it since he did his excellent Morrowind guide.

Me thinks marriage took a big bite out of his free time. For all I know
there's a lot of little mini-Desslocks running around by now. ;P


Knight37 -

Once a Gamer, Always a Gamer.
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"Knight37" <> wrote in message
> Yeah, he used to be a regular here way back in the day. He also had a web
> site on Gamespot for a while. It's still up:

Thanks for posting looks like a lot of attention to detail went
into his writings.

> But he hasn't updated it since he did his excellent Morrowind guide.

Unfortunate to see, I wonder if it's something worth poking him over? 🙂
I'm not too much into RPG's myself though.

> Me thinks marriage took a big bite out of his free time. For all I know
> there's a lot of little mini-Desslocks running around by now. ;P

LOL, well he's welcome to it. Myself, even at the age of 32 going on 33
soon, I have no desire to ever have any kids of my own!
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"NightSky 421" <> once tried to test me with:

> Unfortunate to see, I wonder if it's something worth poking him over?
> 🙂 I'm not too much into RPG's myself though.

Oh we've tried. A bunch. I don't think he loves us anymore. <sniff>

Just kidding, he pops in here every now and then but not terribly often. I
think he was in here not too long ago in a WoW thread...


Knight37 -

Once a Gamer, Always a Gamer.