Question Blue Screen 1050Ti

Mar 11, 2019
So I've got this Strix GTX 1050TI and for the life of me I can't figure out why it's blue screening every 10-30 mins of being on. The light blinks orange when it's running fine but the second that light turn blue it blue screens and obviously nothing works. I've tried reapplying thermal paste in case it was heat related but it still does it not sure why it looks farely new and not burnt out.
full system spec? include make and model of the PSU
check the gpu temp ?
I'll have to get back to you on full system spec, I'm not always home since I'm a truck driver, I bought the rig used it's an MSI motherboard (I know that doesn't help) AMD FX CPU, believe it's a 500W PCU not sure the brand, GPU is well the 1050 and I've got 32 GB RAM in it
I suspect its not the GPU. Those GPU temps are normal. Its possible there could be a power issue or CPU mem. Are you able to see what the blue screen error code is?
There's no code just blue screens, the reason I suspect the GPU is because it has a constant blinking orange light, and when it blue screens that light turns blue.