Blue Screen and now my system SSD no longer shows up!??


Jul 23, 2015
I'm hoping someone can help me get my system SSD working again. The strangest thing happened. I was copying files from my D drive to my E drive and I got a blue Screen memory dump and machine rebooted and would not boot into my OS. I got into my BIOS and seen that my C drive which is the SSD in question is no longer seen by my Motherboard!? I've tried changing the cables and still no luck. I booted from a recovery and did a restore on another drive to get my system and machine up and looked in Disk Manager and it does not see this driver either. I can not figure it out! The SSD is a PNY XLR8 only about 8 months old. Did it just die? if so why? A memory dump from a blue screen can do this?
If your BIOS doesn't even see it then it sounds to me like your SSD drive just died. A memory dump wouldn't be the cause of the failure, the drive would have gave out and the blue screen would be reporting the error.

As to the cause, every once and awhile drives have been known to fail due to construction error, though after only 8 months that is definitely not common. On the PNY website it states that they have a 3 year warranty on that model of SSD drives, so you should be able to send it in for replacement.
Ok thanks!

I've sent an email to them through their contact section on their website. I've never gotten anywhere in the past from previous hardware issues from companies so here is hoping I do this time. I don't have the receipt so I wonder how this will go down... ugh. Perhaps Micro Center still has a copy on file?