Blue Screen Error - windows 10

as it a memtest86 from a boot usb stick over night.
if there no errors with the ram run malware and hitman pro make sure the system clean of a virus.
also run hardware info 64 bit see if there a cpu or system board error. if the laptop under warranty and you can fine out why it error out send it in to the vendor.
1) That's not an open link, make sure the file is publicly shared if you are trying to share it, but 99.9% chance it's useless
2) Make sure you clean install your graphics drivers, most problems are due to that
3) Try testing your memory sticks one at a time to see if any have fewer problems. If one or more work just fine, you'll need to replace the memory

Now I made it to public.

My laptop model is Dell 2430.
I have updated latest bios & intel chipset drivers

How to set ram to XMP profile.


I installed latest intel HD 3000 drivers. also i swapped the ram from another laptop but still this error persist.
I usually get this error once in a 15 days.
as it a memtest86 from a boot usb stick over night.
if there no errors with the ram run malware and hitman pro make sure the system clean of a virus.
also run hardware info 64 bit see if there a cpu or system board error. if the laptop under warranty and you can fine out why it error out send it in to the vendor.

That's probably software based crashing then, normally when you say "error" we expect twice an hour!
Malwarebytes and proper AV are suggested though, just to rule out malware