Blue screen fx4100

indah suasana

Dec 3, 2011
Please anyone help me...

i bought a FX4100 amd processor yesterday, and i already have nvidia 9600GT gpu.
today, i've suffered with blue screen problem .
my point is,,is my graphic card nvidia not compatible with fx4100 amd processor???
or is it any other prob??
please anyone ans me!!
We would have to know quite a bit more about your system to diagnose. Its possible your power supply can not keep up with the demands of the new CPU, or it could be a motherboard BIOS issue-its difficult to tell. Often with a new CPU architecture, a BIOS update is necessary to bring the motherboard up to date.

I doubt there is compatibility issues between the card and CPU. Please give us detailed system specs and if this was a one time occurrence or if it is continuing to be a problem.