Practically every day I get a BSOD on my PC, sometimes after i turn pc on after sleep mode . The time when it happens and the error messages vary a lot, so not sure what's causing it.
I did a memory test and i stop using my external hardrive that i recently bought... I also turned on the fast startup option but no diffrence.
Here is the minidump https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vB9TrBPVm2-1kBCOhUipFgsOMUX1y_RT/view?usp=sharing
Thank you in advance
Practically every day I get a BSOD on my PC, sometimes after i turn pc on after sleep mode . The time when it happens and the error messages vary a lot, so not sure what's causing it.
I did a memory test and i stop using my external hardrive that i recently bought... I also turned on the fast startup option but no diffrence.
Here is the minidump https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vB9TrBPVm2-1kBCOhUipFgsOMUX1y_RT/view?usp=sharing
Thank you in advance