Blue Screen of Death - STOP: 0x0000007E


Mar 10, 2012
Hi Guys,

I need some help here.

2 days ago after I closed off my laptop lid, my laptop went into hibernation mode.
After that, the laptop is having some trouble trying to wake up. I remembered I saw an error message saying something like "Windows has failed to wake up from hibernation". So I have no other choices but to restart.

Ever since then, I start to get an error.

STOP: 0x0000007E (0xFFFFFFFFC0000005, 0xFFFFF880070C25C6, 0xFFFFF880009A8B78, 0xFFFFF880009A83D0)

Here I attach a screenshot.

I can't get into Windows. Everytime I try, I will be presented with the blue screen of death.

I tried booting in safe mode but in vain. I will get stucked at Classpnp.sys


I am using Windows 7 64 bit, Core i7, 8GB Ram, 2GB Graphics


The 0x7E code is typically associated with some sort of video capture device, so given it's a laptop, I'd suspect the webcam is a bit dodgy.

If you have any USB devices attached to the computer, make sure to remove those before trying to boot the system.

After that, if you're still having problems, you should be able to press the space key while the computer is trying to restore the system from hibernation and be given an option to either continue or delete the hibernation state file. If for whatever reason you can't get that option to come up, then a Linux LiveCD distribution would probably allow you to delete that file if you remount the internal HDD as read/write.
This is what I have gotten so far.

So this is what I have done:
1) Boot with Windows 7 CD.

2) When I am in Windows (language selection), I triggered the command prompt by doing Shift + F10. (Good trick!)

3) I realize the drive I am currently running is X: where my usual running drive C: has turned into D: and C: has turned into Recovery.

4) That is not a big problem as I can change drive using simple DOS command.

5) The problem came, when I was told I can't run Chkdsk unless I dismount the drive as the volume is in used by another. All opened handles to this volume would be invalid if I force a dismount.

6) As I am tired of waiting so I force dismount it and let Chkdsk /r runs.

Here I attach a photo of what I am looking at.

- - -

Do you guys foresee any future problems?
What happens later? Do I need to mount the drive back? If yes, how?

I will update you guys my progress.

Alright, it seems that Chkdsk can't help fix the bad sectors I have on my hard disk.
I have no choice but to backup my files and reformat it. That's the best I can do.

This bug check indicates that a system thread generated an exception that the error handler did not catch.

For a BCP1 of 0xC0000005:

0xC0000005: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION indicates a memory access violation occurred.

In addition, the Classpnp.sys file deals with SCSI devices.

I'm *guessing* a HDD problem in this case, especially since Chkdsk returned errors. In that case, you might need a brand new HDD, even after a clean format.
Hey guys,

I have formatted my laptop. Did a reinstall. Everything is up and running again.

I got a Dell laptop and I have done a diagnosis using the 32bit Dell Diagnosis Utility tool that comes with my laptop. It seems that my SATA has many bad sectors.

I am thinking of replacing it as I got a feeling the SATA is dying soon. So can I just get any HDD and fix it into my laptop or do I need to make sure the HDD works with my motherboard, etc?

Any pointers in finding a HDD that works?
If you need any information about my laptop do let me know.


My computer specs
Dell XPS 14. Core i7, 8GB RAM, 2GB Graphics, Windows 7 64Bit.

I shut the lid of my laptop and it went into hibernation mode. I can't wake it up anymore and I am forced to do a restart. After that, I keep getting BSOD. I can't get into any safe mode, no system restore or any sort of recovery methods.

Progress & Solution
1) Dell comes with PC Diagnosis CD. I boot from the CD and ran the diagnosis. It seems that my hard disk is suffering with bad sectors. So I have narrowed the problem down.

2) The first thing in my mind was to try and solve the problem instead of a re-formatting. So I am able to launch a command prompt screen and I tried to run CHKDSK. However it can't fix the problem.

3) I have no other choices than formatting my computer. I boot from my Windows 7 CD. I managed to get a GUI screen that allows me to transfer my files to my external. Backup is done.

4) After that, I proceed with re-formatting my computer.

5) The system is back up & running again. I perform a CHKDSK and it fixes the bad sectors.

6) I ran the Dell diganosis again and my hard disk doesn't get me any errors anymore.

Tips & Tricks
1) When you run CHKDSK, it will ask you to dismount if the drive is in used. You could proceed with it and the drive will mount it back automatically. If you choose no, the system will tell you that it will perform the CHKDSK the next time it restarts.

2) When you boot with your Windows CD. Your usual drive's label will be changed. And the drive you are currently running might be something like X: So when you run your CHKDSK, make sure it is targeting the correct drive.

3) I haven't tried this. If you don't want to unmount your drive but still want to run CHKDSK. Use the following DOS command:

X:\Sources>bcdedit | find "osdevice" <- To determine your drive.
osdevice partition=C:


C:\>powercfg -H off


This turns powerconfig off and disables the corrupt hiberfil.sys file. Restart your computer.

Now to run chkdsk. At the X:\sources> prompt type:

bcdedit | find "osdevice" (press enter).
Your drive has been determined. It is C:
So still at the X:\sources type:

chkdsk c:/F (press enter).
5 stages will run immediately.

When you get back into windows to create a fresh hiberfil.sys file go to start search and type cmd, right click on the returned cmd.exe and select "run as administrator" at the prompt type:

powercfg -H on (press enter).
Restart and windows will create a new file.

4) I haven't tried this either, scanning with SFC.


5) I haven't tried this either,

- Unplug the battery and AC adapter
- Press the power button for 15 – 20 seconds continuously. (this will release the static)
- Plug only the adapter cable, turn the laptop back on and start tapping the space bar repeatedly. Kindly delete the restoration data. (Make sure that you get the message: Starting Windows. If “Resuming windows” is displayed, please repeat the steps. plug the battery back in, after completing the step.
- Also run pre-boot system assessment (hardware diagnostics). Kindly hold the function key while turning the laptop back on. This will initiate hardware diagnostic test. Will take close to 5-6 minutes to scan everything. Please check for any errors.

6) Diskpart DOS command is particularly helpful to determine what drives you have and what partitions you have.

7) How to run System File Checker (SFC) or chkdsk from the Recovery Console
Boot your Vista or Windows 7 installation DVD
When you see "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD", press Enter
At the "Language" screen hold the "Shift" key and press the F10 key to open a Command Window
Run SFC or chkdsk
For sfc, type sfc /scannow and press Enter.
For chkdsk, type chkdsk /r and press Enter.
Now that you can boot into Windows you should still download and run the manufacturer of your hard disk diagnostic software from their web site, the software should tell you if the drive is serviceable and how many replacement sectors are still available by reading the SMART data.