Blue Screen of Death

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Dec 22, 2011
This is my first solo attempt at building a computer, and everything seemed to be running great until I got the BSOD.

After restart this is the message I get.


It happens when I put my computer to sleep, and then try to wake it. It does not happen all of the time either, just sometimes.

Also, I am running Windows 7 64 bit Professional.

Any ideas? Thank you.
what hardware are you using?

some older hardware doesnt like sleep on windows 7--i have an older socket 939 pc in my hallway for the grandkids and if you use sleep on it either it just wont come out of sleep or it will bsod on you

other than that it works perfectly

if its modern hardware then try combat wombats suggestion
Using the MSI Live Update 5 (I have an MSI board) to see if anything is out of date. Otherwise all of my drivers should be installed. If not, the comp really wouldn't work at all, right?
Yeah, all of my MS Windows updates are in order. My graphics driver is up to date. And my Bios are as well. Plus my audio. Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, where do I check my chipset drivers version. Can I do it in the device manager?
It appears that I had an older chipset driver version. I just made sure everything was current and INSTALLED (I had dl the latest versions but never installed them). Thanks for the idea to check that combat wombat.
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