Blue screen woes


Jan 24, 2015
Hi all,

I'm having the dreaded blue screen issues on Win 8.1.

I bought a new Mobo, CPU, doubled the RAM, GPU, Tower and Power Supply in September last year.
Everything was fine for a month or so, then I started getting bluescreen errors. They only seemed to occur when I was using the PC for long periods of gaming. Now I can get them anytime, whether I'm gaming, watching youtube vids or just browsing.
I have attempted many fixes! Including removing the new RAM and using my old RAM, replacing the GPU for my old one, buying a new SSD and installing Windows on there but I'm still having issues. I downloaded BlueScreenViewer and the majority of blue screens come from a ntoskrnl.exe issue, which, from google, I've discovered is a hardware issue.
My latest attempts to fix the issue have been to remove RAM sticks one at a time and run a benchmark on them. I used a program called Performance Test to benchmark.
The results are listed below:
(all using the same slots on Mobo)
Initial test with 16GB RAM: 1,213
Test with old RAM (8GB): 1,171
Test with new RAM (8GB): 1,225
Test with one stick of old RAM on another slot on mobo (4GB): 971
I know you can't compare the numbers against anything else, but it seems odd that I get very similar results from different configurations.
I'm at a loss here! Any help would be greatly received!
My spec is below (-8GB RAM, which is identical to what's on this Speccy list)

Many thanks,
Do you have any other AM3+ mobo than that. if u have a thermal paste,then try . maybe overheat.. or dimm slots?? & is there anything that happened to that pc thats suspesious of what it might b the cause
Thanks for the quick reply!
The only thing that happened about a month before I bought the new parts was the PSU blowing which took the CPU and mobo with it. The only things left over from that build were the RAM and the wifi adaptor. I have run the system without these items and I still have the issues.
Its hard to get a screenshot when I'm running heavy benchmarking software, but during a test that I ran for around 15 minutes, the CPU didn't go over 50c and the Motherboard temp moved from 32c to 33c. But once I stopped the program, it bluescreened again caused by the same ntoskrnl.exe issue.