BlueBorne Attack Impacts Billions Of Unpatched Bluetooth-Connected Devices

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As always, Lucian, thanks for the heads up.

I constantly complain about the headaches I go thru for Windows or Android updates but it does make me feel a little better to know there's something good from it.
Is there a another side to this story? Going by the article, Armies Labs is arguing their point a lot. Does Armies Labs sell a solution to the problem? For everything but android, update and your fine. Sadly most android devices will never see a security patch for this.
So they can spread from btooth device to btooth device...assumedly via almost anything with btooth. Cars, most mobile voice devices, wearable's, pc's, laptops, some desk phones... Yea this could be bad if someone actually implemented a virus that took off. 7 degree's of bluetoothed?
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