
May 7, 2017
I'm having a troubling time with this error and would like to know if there is a way to fix it. The error first started popping up whenever my power last went out, I don't know if that's the cause or not. I would also like to mention that my mouse, keyboard, and everything that's connected to a usb turns every few minutes. Whenever I login now it isn't an immediate desktop it's a black screen and it takes a long time to load. I would appreciate any help because I'm not that tech savy. Thanks in advance.


CPU: i5 4460
GPU: GTX 1060 6GB
RAM: 16 GB
The files are tiny, it shouldn't take long at all even on 1MBps internet. If OneDrive doesn't work then Google Drive or Dropbox are alternatives.
- Is your PC hooked up to a surge protector or UPS?

- Try removing the graphics card and using the integrated graphics. See if your desktop loads faster or the crashes occur. I believe your motherboard only has HDMI though.

IRQL blue screens and generally caused by either faulty graphics card drivers or a malfunctioning card itself. A driver clean uninstall with DDU in safe mode followed by a reinstall helps with driver issues.
for a problem like this you should provide the memory dump so it can be looked at with the windows debugger.
the files will be located in the directory c:\windows\minidump they are large files and you will have to put them on a server like Microsoft one drive, share the files for public access and post a link.

without the diagnostic memory dump we can only offer generic advice:
IE, update the BIOS and install the current motherboard drivers from the your motherboard vendors website.
(also go to the GPU vendors website to get the current GPU drivers (be sure to reboot before installing the OEM GPU drivers so the windows updated does not get messed up)

if you continue having problems after the updates, you should provide the minidump file but it is more likely you will need to provide a kernel memory dump to have the proper debug info to be included.
(kernel memory dump will include info on the USB subsystem)

I would guess you updated the video card, make sure you go into BIOS and reset it to defaults and reconfigure if you have not done so. This will force the BIOS to rescan the hardware and rebuild the database of hardware settings that it will send to windows plug and play. if you fail to do this then windows will think you have two sets of graphics cards, one that started working and one that is not responding (because it was removed) windows has a hard time when this happens

How do I get windows debugger to look at the dump file?

Post the dump files here for us to look at or download the debugger. The debugger is part of the Windows SDK. If you've never used a debugger, what it tells you may not make much sense as it's rather technical. It's a tool for programmers/developers.
how do I create a dump file?


Do you know a place where I can upload the file, because I have been trying to upload it to onedrive for an entire day now. I don't know why it won't upload I have decent internet.

None of the sites will allow me to upload the minidump because they say it's unreadable. It also says whenever I try to open it that I do not have access to the file, but I should have access to every file on my pc.