Bluescreen when updating windows


Dec 20, 2017
I have a computer that worked perfectly fine until it started getting blue screen one day. I could not figure out what was causing it so I just decided to format the hard drive and reinstall windows 7. It works perfectly fine after doing this but every time I try to update windows it downloads and installs the updates just to blue screen on restart. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? These are the two files that it said might help with the problem.

The minidump:!AoC8iTYtPVShhArmHbwGE8_qhsVR

A temp file:!AoC8iTYtPVShhAkNladK7CUZqXFK
I would go to the mobo manuafacturer's site and get the drivers there. The ones on cd maybe out of date

Only way try the videocard in another desktop
Directx is crashing with a 0x116 stop error. This maybe video card related.

It may/can also mean your video card is faulty. Your graphic drivers are crashing

I would uninstall Asrock app charger, it's a known cause of crashes

This driver FNETURPX.SYS is 10 yrs old - FNet User Proxy Driver. Either uninstall it or update it

MBfilt64.sys - Audio drivers are 9 yrs old. Where did you get these from? Did windows install them or did you download them?

I did not install them so windows must have. After the computer started crashing the first time I formatted the hard drive and the computer seems to work fine after reinstalling windows. It just starts getting blue screen again after I run windows updates and they finish downloading and the computer restarts to finish installation. Is there anyway to determine if it is a faulty graphics card before I buy a new one?

Update: Some of the drivers come off the driver disc that came with my motherboard as well. I put that in and installed the drivers off it before I do windows updates as I cannot connect to the internet without some of the drivers.

Ok, thank you.