Bluescreens after Ram upgrade, help pls.


Jan 1, 2016
My hardware:
ASUS H170M-Plus
Palit GTX 1060
Corsair VS550 (yes I'm going to upgrade this one..)
Intel Core i5 6500

I upgraded from 2x4GB HxperX Savage to 4x4GB HyperX Savage.

I bought exactly the same dual Kit as I had installed before.

I am getting various of bluescreens. I checked in bios and the ram shows up correctly. I can enter windows in safe mode and it wont crash. In hardware manager everything shows up good and the bluescreen errors I got are the following:

- System service exception
- dxgkrnl.sysON NOT HANDLED
- something with Kernel manager, forgot this one

When I got into the system it seems that Windows randomly deactivatet itself.
This is all the information I currently have. What should I do next?

Changing ram won't make you reinstall windows so there is another thing wrong here.

I pulled the RAM sticks out and Windows now works like before and the Windows key appeared back. I will try using the memtest but I dont know it and I have to figure out how to run it without running Windows.

First do as Ghost told you and just look at a turorial on yt for how to use memtest. It could also be that even if you bought the exact same kit the ram isn't matching. I've had this happen before it's really stupid but it can happen.
"First do as Ghost told you and just look at a turorial on yt for how to use memtest. It could also be that even if you bought the exact same kit the ram isn't matching. I've had this happen before it's really stupid but it can happen."

I went on youtube and its quite easy. Installed it and going to test now. But do you really think this is the problem? Since the windows key randomly disappeared and windwos seemed to be deactivated at first I thought "just reinstall windows" but before doing that I asked here on the forums.


Changing ram won't make you reinstall windows so there is another thing wrong here.
memtest runs without windows. It's an iso, you burn it on a cd, then boot into it. It really seems that's the problem.

okay, I just asked because the windows key randomly disappeared and with windows 10 it happened that changing hardware can cause the license to be unusable. Trying memtest right now.
I'm testing my ram currently and running into a ton of errors.
But it seems that my RAM isnt beeing recognized correctly. It says RAM:0 Mhz (DDR3- 0)
Shouldnt it be DDR4-2133 and Ram 4?

I am running the latest version of memtest86 the 5.01
Errors = bad ram. You could try setting the ram to 1600 MHz, or 1333 MHz, but that's probably not what you want to hear. Return the RAM ASAP, before the warranty runs out.
Okay, thanks alot!!
I got the ram sticks today so its not a problem returning them. But what about my question on memtest? Shoudlnt it show the correct informatiom about the ram? At least for my two working sticks it should?!

It should, but won't always. It does tests. and the results of those tests are accurate. The frequency of the ram and latency isn't always good, especially on overclocked ram, and probably DDR4.