Bluescreens while gaming


Nov 25, 2011
The past week I've gotten a Bluescreen every day or two while gaming. I've been mostly playing League and thought maybe it had something to do with that, but while playing an MMO called Aura Kingdom just now I also had it Bluescreen. I installed a new processor a few months ago, but I don't think that's the issue as it's only very recently that this has been happening. I honestly have no idea how I'd go about posting the .DMP files here, since it's denying me permissions to do everything, so I guess I need to be walked through that. If anyone could help me with this that'd be great.
EDIT: The error 3/4 of the time was: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

My system restores never seem to function correctly... And besides, I have not updated or installed anything new in the last month. All I have done is upgrade my graphic card drivers, and that was after the second bluescreen, thinking maybe that was the issue. Obviously that did not resolve the problem.
first make sure you update your ethernet drivers (either wired or wireless depending on how you are connected)
then update your graphics drivers if you have not done so.

if you get another bugcheck, search your computer for files with .dmp file extension. They should be in c:\wndows\minidump but can be other places.

you would find a current .dmp file and copy it up to a server like microsoft one drive, media fire,... and give them public access and just post a link to the file here.

I tried updating my graphics drivers to no avail, and I have already had the ethernet driver issue before, so that's resolved. I did try to upload my .dmp files, but I apparently did not have sufficient permissions, despite being the administrator...?