Bluetooth 4.0 Coming Later This Year

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what?!? when did they release bluetooth 3.0? shouldn't this be like bluetooth 3.1 instead, like they did with 1.0 to 1.1 to 1.2 and 2.0 to 2.1 with edr? or can't they can tack on a suffix like intel does with their low powered devices (LV, ULV). it looks like they are just trying to play the numbers game seeing "how man generations can we fluff our numbers with" without having any real performance difference.
I'm still waiting for a version of Bluetooth which works more than 50% of the time. Name brand USB Bluetooth dongle, name brand Bluetooth headphones, full OS support, they always "pair" but usually fail to "connect". Or they disconnect if I switch to a different app which also plays music.
I'd like to see Bluetooth items (like headsets) work as well as wired cousins. I have never found a BT headset to sound anywhere close to a wired headset either in my opinion or "the listener".
I use A2DP Audio Profile to link my cell phone(s) to my car stereo, but the quality is still terrible because of echo. The second scratch is that Andriod won't play FLAC, and regardless BT doesn't have enough bandwidth to stream loss-less audio anyways. Other than for data transfer the technology is overrated.

BT for sound transmission is a major FAIL!

Back to the drawing board please. This technology seems to have major potential, but currently I rate it slightly more useful than a Ham radio.
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