Bluetooth headset static while listening to Windows 8.1 PC

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Mar 5, 2015
I'm using a Samsung Level Over headset. This headset works nicely with both my phone (A Galaxy Nexus 5) and with my iPad Air (Air 2?).

However, it does not work well at all with my computer. I get tinny, staticy sound. It's awful. I know the headset sounds better than this, and I bought it intending to use it with my computer as often if not more than with my mobile devices.

Any idea what is going on? And how to fix it?

I'm also not that computer savvy, so a step-by-step approach would be the most useful.

The computer is an Asus G551JM. Thanks.

Update: OK, so I've solved part of the problem. If I go into the control panel, and disable the Bluetooth mic, it sounds better. After I enable the Bluetooth mic, everything sounds staticy and tinny again. Is there a way for this not to happen? Or is it a limitation of the headset? Or Windows 8.1?

Update the Second: If it helps, my bluetooth adapter is apparently an Atheros ar3012 Bluetooth 4.0, according to the hardware section of my Bluetooth Settings thing.

Dude I'm having the same problem with any and every bluetooth headset I've tried and I can't find the answer anywhere!!! Someone please help.
Turned off "Enable audio enhancements" in the Headset Properties and mine just stopped doing it. I was getting intermittent static and like cq radio sounds like squelches? randomly on multiple bluetooth headsets. This is in Windows 10 btw with a Surface Pro 3

Right Click Audio Icon in System tray and select Playback Devices -> Double Click the Headset -> Advanced -> uncheck "Enable audio enhancements"
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