Bluetooth is Named After What? The Real History Behind Tech Brand Names We Say Every Day

Man, I learned so much things from this..

Always thought that Strix was actually taken from "streaks", as in winning streaks. And bluetooth's name was taken from the logo, because it looked like two teeth when rotated 90 degrees. Also, thought TForce's Cardea was taken from cardia, heart, as in you know, heart of the PC. And noctua had something to do with nocturnal, silent and dark-ish.

I know, I'm silly..
In old norse "blue" was actually the color "black". So his tooth or teeth were actually black, not blue. And another fun fact: Harald got his nick name long after his death.. I guess no one would call him blåtann (blue/black tooth) to his face.. A viking king who united nations in those days probably didn't like critic. 🤔