Blurry Display(GPU, PCI, or Monitor)

Lord Greener

Sep 5, 2015
I have an issue with a blurry display as well as blurry text. It is blurry even in bios. I worry because i broke lock of both pci slots do to the fact that I re-seated them many do to a stuttering issue. I eventually sent my card to evga(do to stuttering) and got a card that performed worse than my previous card. I then got a second rma, and now I notice that I have a blurry display. Since I had to pull the gpu out i fear that I could have damaged the pci slots. The display is not crisp on the bios boot screen and in the bios itself it is as blurry as it is in windows. I have a evga gtx 980 and a msi z97a gaming motherboard. Looking at my case I notice that my card is tilted, can that be the cause of the issue? I also have a slight case vibrations, which I tried to reduce by ensure all fans were completely screwed in. I already plugged in my laptop into both monitors in questions and the laptop seems crisper. Do you have any suggestion? My case is a cm storm trooper, and I have some pictures if you need to look at my build. I included photos of the back so you can see the tilt I am explaining as well as the motherboard back to see if It is properly in. Any advice will be much helpful. The system powers on but stutters in games as well. I already did prime95 and memetest86 to find that there were no issues with my ram or cpu.





Lord Greener

Sep 5, 2015
yeah I have the latest driver when I installed the replacement called I reinstalled the latest drivers with the clean install options. Just to add more information my current monitor is asus 248qe, do you think it could be the monitor's dvi port or something like that?

Lord Greener

Sep 5, 2015
I did some testing fora couple of days. I concluded that it is not the pc at all. When examined more closely and connected my laptop via dvi to hdmi and my pc hdmi. I found out that the test looked just as blurry on the laptop as it did on my desktop, with the desktop being slightly clearer do to the better gpu. It could also be the fact that my desk has me really close to the monitor. How far away is a good viewing angle for the monitor?


May 12, 2014
What type of monitor are you using?
In case of a 1440p Monitor it could be your connection type. The normal (not Dual) DVI or HDMI Connections are not able to transfer the 1440p Resolution and are capped at 1080p, but because 1080p is not a multiple of 1440p, the screen will look blurry. In case of a normal 1080p Display it could be a problem with your refreshrate or a defective cable.

!!Update!!: Sorry you already said your monitor was the Asus one ^^. Didn't saw that. But it is a 144Hz Monitor, so it has the same Problem like the higher resolution ones. Normal HDMI or Single DVI-Connection is not able to transfer the amount of Data needed for 144Hz. Use a Dual-DVI or better the DP-Connection

Lord Greener

Sep 5, 2015
I do wear glasses when use the monitor and my prescription is up to date, so I do not think it is an eyesight problem especially when I have no problems seeing other things. I was using the dual link dvi until i decided I wanted to test with an hdmi cable to dictate a bad cable. I later decided to test the laptop again. So I just added I dmi to dvi converter to the monitor, and started to compare. I am actually planning on getting a display port cable today for more testing, and so I not have to use hdmi to dvi when I am hooking up the second monitor(HP S2031). Will report back if I see improvements.

Lord Greener

Sep 5, 2015

Ok so i connected the display port and here how my screen looks currently.
Edit: Sorry for the upside down screen when I uploaded the image to imgur it reflected it for some reason.