I have an issue with a blurry display as well as blurry text. It is blurry even in bios. I worry because i broke lock of both pci slots do to the fact that I re-seated them many do to a stuttering issue. I eventually sent my card to evga(do to stuttering) and got a card that performed worse than my previous card. I then got a second rma, and now I notice that I have a blurry display. Since I had to pull the gpu out i fear that I could have damaged the pci slots. The display is not crisp on the bios boot screen and in the bios itself it is as blurry as it is in windows. I have a evga gtx 980 and a msi z97a gaming motherboard. Looking at my case I notice that my card is tilted, can that be the cause of the issue? I also have a slight case vibrations, which I tried to reduce by ensure all fans were completely screwed in. I already plugged in my laptop into both monitors in questions and the laptop seems crisper. Do you have any suggestion? My case is a cm storm trooper, and I have some pictures if you need to look at my build. I included photos of the back so you can see the tilt I am explaining as well as the motherboard back to see if It is properly in. Any advice will be much helpful. The system powers on but stutters in games as well. I already did prime95 and memetest86 to find that there were no issues with my ram or cpu.