Blurry edges while im moving in games

My GPU is R9 280 Dual-X ive tried every setting to fix this but none of them worked.My drivers are all updated.As i said edges of textures getting blurry while im moving in games.My res is 1920x1080 motion blur is off
I had the same problem, and I found the solution (I know the post is old, but if someone is reading this who has the same problem can try this) My monitor had a setti g called response time and it was set to high. I set it to off and niw everything is good. And I can't feel a difference between the response times. So make sure you Set that to the lowest and see if it works. Now my previous monitor did the same, so I thought the problem was in my pc. I changed the hdmi cable because I was using the same cable with both monitors, and it heleped a little bit. So I think the problem on the other one was the cable, and here it's the response time. So make sure to change the cable as well if nothing else works. It's worth a try.