Blurry Textures, In games + videos


Nov 19, 2017
My textures are blurry in games, and whilst watching videos. This occurs in every single game, including extremely easy to run games such as CSGO. The anti-aliasing looks awful and grainy, and textures are always ugly and blurry. I am certain it is not the display, or the cable. I have also recently replaced my motherboard, CPU, RAM, and PSU. Applications and their logo's are not blurry, and my actual desktop is not blurry either. However, even whilst signing into my computer, my lock screen photo is uncrisp and blurry. I am also sure that this is not an issue with scaling. I fear it may be a corrupt form of windows?? I have the latest drivers, and my control panel settings are default. My specs are:
Gtx 980
i7 8700k @ 4 Ghz
Corsair vengeance DDR4 Ram
Omen 24.5 inch @144hz
It could also be related to some of the nVidia filtering. I had built another desktop a few weeks ago (i7-8700k, 16gb, gtx 1080 Ti) and so far have only installed Rainbow Six Siege on it. It's set to 1440p w/ everything turned up to max. The game plays very smooth, but I have noticed objects looking blurry. For instance trees... depending on the lighting effects(daytime/nighttime) will look the most blurry.

Yet on the desktop in my sig, this blurry issue is not present. When I have the time to I'll go back and tinker with settings to see what's causing it.
Download the latest drivers for your GPU place them on your desktop get Display Driver Uninstaller from here
remove everything after restarting it will probably be 640x480 not great instal your AMD/NVIDIA drivers and hopefully should fix your problem
Do not go to wagnardsoft. You don't need a 3rd party tool. Not to mention wagnardsoft has been flagged as malicious in the past(may still be). All you have to do is download the latest driver. During setup, you can specify to do a "clean installation"(which will automatically remove the old driver before installing the new one).
It could also be related to some of the nVidia filtering. I had built another desktop a few weeks ago (i7-8700k, 16gb, gtx 1080 Ti) and so far have only installed Rainbow Six Siege on it. It's set to 1440p w/ everything turned up to max. The game plays very smooth, but I have noticed objects looking blurry. For instance trees... depending on the lighting effects(daytime/nighttime) will look the most blurry.

Yet on the desktop in my sig, this blurry issue is not present. When I have the time to I'll go back and tinker with settings to see what's causing it.