My textures are blurry in games, and whilst watching videos. This occurs in every single game, including extremely easy to run games such as CSGO. The anti-aliasing looks awful and grainy, and textures are always ugly and blurry. I am certain it is not the display, or the cable. I have also recently replaced my motherboard, CPU, RAM, and PSU. Applications and their logo's are not blurry, and my actual desktop is not blurry either. However, even whilst signing into my computer, my lock screen photo is uncrisp and blurry. I am also sure that this is not an issue with scaling. I fear it may be a corrupt form of windows?? I have the latest drivers, and my control panel settings are default. My specs are:
Gtx 980
i7 8700k @ 4 Ghz
Corsair vengeance DDR4 Ram
Omen 24.5 inch @144hz
Gtx 980
i7 8700k @ 4 Ghz
Corsair vengeance DDR4 Ram
Omen 24.5 inch @144hz