Board for a P4 2.0ghz??



Hi all,
Come Sept when the P4 2 ghz chip is released I will be getting one in exchange for some services I did for a guy. All the motherboards I have seen so far that are likely to handle this chip have only had rambus ram, which from everything Ive read, is not only expensive but a bit unreliable. I have heard of one coming with sdram which is cheap but it hugely reduces its performace to the point of being a waste of money. What I am after would be a nice board that uses dd sdram. From the looks of things this is both fast, cheap and likely to be the future of ram. Anyone know of a board I should be looking out for?

Thanks in advance
Where did you hear that RDRAM was unreliable? It is expensive, and I have heard that it has high initial latency, which might make it slow, but I've never heard of it being unreliable.

Anyway, unfortunately, if you want to get any good performance out of a P4, it will have to be with RDRAM. Intel will eventually have the i845 chipset support DDR-SDRAM, but rumors have it that it will be only PC1600 DDR-SDRAM, not the faster PC2100, plus it's supposed to be a while before they support DDR.

So, you're pretty much stuck with RDRAM. And actually, although DDR-SDRAM is possibly faster than RDRAM (there have never actually been any real comparisons), chances are that since the Pentium 4 was originally designed with RDRAM in mind, it will probably operate best with RDRAM. Just remember that RDRAM is two channel, so you will need to get two sticks of RAM (e.g. 2 x 128 MB rather than 1 x 256 MB).

<i>I don't know anything about computers... but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night...</i> :lol: