Boarding Lasers


Feb 10, 2003
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To use a boarding laser...

Do I just turn the device on and fly next to a ship?

Or do I turn the device on and target an enemy ship and transfer my troops
(using the transfer screen) to that ship? Also, do I need to transfer crew
or what?

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You need to target the Boarding Laser with a Guest Transfer to the
enemy ship.

You need to transfer CREW or TROOPS or HG.
You need to transfer, at least, some crew, because without them you
cannot take control of the target ship.

It is a pity that they is no guest quathers for additional crew members
on ships.

Tristan schrieb:

> To use a boarding laser...
> Do I just turn the device on and fly next to a ship?
> Or do I turn the device on and target an enemy ship and transfer my troops
> (using the transfer screen) to that ship? Also, do I need to transfer crew
> or what?
> Tristan
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I think it would be simple that if you tried to transfer more crew than
the ship ship allowed it would just overlfow into the regular guest

General Kael
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> It is a pity that they is no guest quathers for additional crew members
> on ships.

If you use a Life pod, or an assault pod, you kinda have extra guest

But I agree it would be nice to have a new section to carry extra crew.

Lord Lancelot
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I believe that the BL can happen before tick 1 of the movement phase if
you are in the same space as your target (i.e. not limited by the tick
50 "no combat" rule). I believe it even happens before Self Destruct,
which I believe happens at the beginning of the turn. So you could
capture a ship before it self destructed and your crew would turn off
the self destruct device immediately.

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Or simply remove the distinction between Crew and Guests. Then you
could have your entire Guest area filled by Crew.

I think that many ships were designed with a specific maximum number of
Crew in mind to make it weak or strong vs boarders.
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Tristan schrieb:
> To use a boarding laser...
> Do I just turn the device on and fly next to a ship?
> Or do I turn the device on and target an enemy ship and transfer my troops
> (using the transfer screen) to that ship? Also, do I need to transfer crew
> or what?
> Tristan
If system damage is smaller than 50 then a BL is working.

There are three BL modes:
1) Normal (non Priv)
2) Advanced (standard Priv mode)
3) Xactor (if target ship is an alien hull design for the target's race
or if the boarding ship holds the hull plan of the boarded ship)

If you send an amount of N personnel then while having your BL activated
your BL is able to kill a total amount of

N*Cap(i) enemy personnel

where i ist 1, 2 or 3 and Cap(i)=5, 20 or 120 due to the different modes

BL first kills crew (40%,15% or 10%) then if N*Cap(i) is not yet used
up it kills colonists( 90%, 50%, 40%) then if N*Cap(i) still is not used
up it kills troop(50%, 20%, 10%). BL do not kill guards.

Besides BL inflicts hull damage:

damage= 3000/(enemy's hull mass+1) + Rnd*mod(i)

mod(i)=4.5, 5 or 6 due to the boarding mode.

Get Diplomat and use the excel spread sheet which is built in as an
extra tool to get a clue what's really expecting you when doing hostile
transfers. Do not trust on the displayed personnel of hostile ship's.
If you are the EE,Rebel or CoM your guards kill many non gouard
personnel before the hostile non guard personnel can do one single shot.
But take care that they do not running into the guards blood bath at the
beginning of the boarding phse.

BTW: I never have tried it. But one could try to escort the boarding
ship with a crew transfer while the boarding ship gets an oversized
hostile crew transfer order...

Hope it helps.

GFM GToeroe
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Regarding the order of events...

If my ship cannot reach the target ship within the first 50 movement ticks
(when no combat occurrs) will it try to board *before* being pulled into a
ship battle even though we have reached movement ticks where combat can
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Tristan schrieb:
> Regarding the order of events...
> If my ship cannot reach the target ship within the first 50 movement ticks
> (when no combat occurrs) will it try to board *before* being pulled into a
> ship battle even though we have reached movement ticks where combat can
> occurr?

This is not intended. Official rule is that then a combat occurs as
first the distance is checked for being able to trigger a combat and
first after this if no combat has occured the transfer is executed. Of
course if both opponents survive the battle the transfer will then be
excuted assumed the system damage is not too high.

But you will find out for example if you fly to the offset point (-4,-5)
to a resting target then with a BL you can board it after tick 50. Most
of the people think this kind was healed after being sent to Tim. But a
kind of combatless boarding after tick 50 is still possible. But now it
seems that it is much harder to accomplish as before.

GFM GToeroe
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AFAIR devices are not turned off after sucseesfull bording. This is why one
cannot stop a Glory Device on a ship by bording it.


>I believe that the BL can happen before tick 1 of the movement phase if
> you are in the same space as your target (i.e. not limited by the tick
> 50 "no combat" rule). I believe it even happens before Self Destruct,
> which I believe happens at the beginning of the turn. So you could
> capture a ship before it self destructed and your crew would turn off
> the self destruct device immediately.