Question bolts for heat sink/fan


Jul 24, 2021
I'm trying to build a dual 771 and have a certain heat sink/fan in mind, it's the D39267-002. This mother board has a "CEK Spring". And the heat sink/fan connects via stand offs from what I have ascertained. Is there a I guess "Bolt" that I could use instead. The case does not appear to have any holes for stand offs under the heat sink/fan. I have a picture in my mind of bolts but I have no idea where to find them, or even what to search for.

Anyone have any ideas per-chance?

If you can post a picture or two we can help sort things out to give you a hand.

I will say this I had to Frankenstein an HP z 400 motherboard for a project and got to the point your at.

In it's original case from HP the CPU cooler bolted on after the motherboard was already mounted into case. Than the CPU cooler than bolted to the same plate the motherboard did.

So without the original case there was nothing to mount CPU cooler to. Believe it or not I just used motherboard mounts the part you put into the case backplate than drop board down than the screws.

I just happen to have years of builds and now bins of them now. There are course and fine threaded ones but in a pinch it worked.

If you do indeed use this trick you will have to drill out backplate so those 4 risers have somewhere to not interfere with the level of the motherboard.
Or snip off the now not used threads that would have screwed into the backplate for the motherboard.