From generation X, this will go way beyond 2030...way past any issues that will come.
I get generation Y being 'spoiled' in laymen terms.
Generation Z, I guess my generation, is screwed because everyone has put forth things before them, taking what belongs to me and my children and grandchildren. Also, I have no hope in my peers. They are incompetent to solve anything and want things handed to them. They rather live in a shyte hole of the country rather than have the US be prosperous. They would not mind China taking over as long as the world still revolves around them. They have been brainwashed by their parents and hold a narrow minded view just like their parents....whether liberal or conservative. They do not think for themselves, rather, they let others think for them and hold to corrupt views of our country.
Tell me, what can one man do to save the country he loves, lives and only knows? I fear for my American family all +300,000,000. I fear the death of the United States. Being bought by communists in China, being sold to the devil.
The issue remains that we let people think they are owed due to the fact that the gov't stole from them. We hold entitlement, like Social Security, to the wall and drain it dry. A program meant to aid the poor retired, now everyone wants a piece of the pie that does not even exist.
We have unemployment highest since when? The Great Depression?
We have jobs! No one wants to work.
We have jobs off US soil. They need to be back on the mainland.
We need a solid tax rate of 15 percent GDP. 15% of all taxable revenue.
We need to lower spending on entitlements, defense, and consolidate the US gov't.
We need to pay china back before it is too late.
We must review the Universal Healthcare Act and see how we can improve it without political suicide.
We need to get out of every country...even our allies!
We need to rid of lobbyists, those who bought out our congresspeople, and terminate the jobs of all incumbents.
We meed to give China the bird.
We need to become an Independent State. We must be induviduals.
We need to reduce our debt to 10 trillion by 2020.
We need to reread our Constitution, Declaration, and other Federalist papers.
We must stand united against the common enemy.
We must protect ourselves without the infringement of rights.
We must embrace freedom.
God Bless us all.