Boot Disk to Flash Bios in win2k


Aug 12, 2001
Hi! this is my first flash. i have an epox mobo. i have create boot disk on windows 9x before; but in win2k does any boot disk serve the purpose for bios flash? if i download the file name Boot diks from do i need to open, execute it or just leave in the floopy where i am going to be copying the new bios files?
thanks for the help
Any BootDisk will do!!!
In Fact, your not even going to let W2K get started... or even see the harddisk for that mater... its a total floppy opperation!!!

Just boot totally from floppy, SAVE the old BIOS to floppy, and install new bios from foppy... - And Yes - SAVE that old BIOS - If ya get into trouble don'y say I didn't tell ya SAVE old before flashin new...

Ya may download, and prepare( unzip and stuff) on you harddisk, but your going to copy the New Bios and Flash program onto a Bootable floppy and then work from that bootable floppy(including copying the old BIOS onto it before flashing the new one in CMOS)...

Read the Flash instructions carefully - it ain't that hard...