Boot error


Jul 13, 2012
So a couple of days ago my computer started to act up but this morning when i turned it on, i got a blue screen and it never wanted to turn on ever since. So i tried reinstalling Windows 7 again on the current system because i do not want to lose my pictures. Is there any way to fix this?

The boot error say's status windows status 0xc0000428
and its a winload.exe error.

Any help?
The error is because required files can't be read from the hard drive, You didn't format the drive before trying to reinstall Windows because of your data so you may have corrupted file structure on your disk. Run your Windows 7 install disk and select repair on your windows 7 install disk after the language options is displayed and select advanced options then chose startup repair or try running from the command prompt "CHKDSK /F"

If this is not the cause of your problems then check that the hard drive is good by running Hirens CD and selecting the manufacturer of your hard drive diagnostic utility. It may also be a good idea to test your memory with memtest86.