Boot from CD after hard drive swap (vaio)


Aug 23, 2014
Hi all,

I hope you're well! Thanks in advance for giving me any advice on the issue below.

I had a hard drive crash on my vaio. I replaced the hard drive with one that is from the same brand/serie to avoid compatibility issues.

When booting my recovery dvd, the bios told me they couldn't find the bootmgr and refused to go ahead. My flatmate happened to have a japanese version of Win7 I installed to setup the bootmgr. Now I'm trying to boot the PC from my recovery DVD to get this right.

My issue is that my PC doesn't simply booth from the DVD. When I press F10, it takes me to the "edit boot option". I find a screen on Google of the English version (mine is currently in Japanese as you imagine... Fun times!)

Any idea what I should type here to force the booth from the disc?
Could there be an issue with the way I burned my discs?

"the bios told me they couldn't find the bootmgr and refused to go ahead"

That in itself proves that your Vaio was not booting from the Windows 7 setup disc.
It was trying to boot from the new hard drive instead, which of course has no Boot Manager on it.

You need to go in to BIOS Setup and set the CD drive as the first boot device.
Then save & exit.

Thanks Philipp,

You are referring to something that happened a lot earlier in the process I went thought. At this stage, I can boot on Windows normally. I'm just trying to boot on the disc drive to install another version of Windows from my recovery DVD. I don't know what to type when the BIOS shows up the message in the screenshot I included in my original message. Do you have any idea ?

I have tried to change the variable in the BIOS setup without success.