Question Boot loop from start up, but able to boot from bios.


Jun 7, 2012
I think this question is in the right location, feel free to move it if it is not.

I recently upgraded some parts and everything went well until the windows 10 install. I booted from the Disc and went through the first portion of installation. When it went to restart the PC it went into a boot loop where it started for 2-3 seconds and shut down and restarted itself. It does this about 4 times then it goes into the bios screen. Once in the bios screen I can manually select where i want it to boot from. Once I do this is launches windows normally. I am on the PC now. I updated windows and ensured my drivers were up to date. It still does this every time I restart or shut down. Google isn't much help, or at least I am unable to find something.

I replaced the motherboard, the graphics card, and the CPU but retained the two 500gb ssds and the 2 TB hddn and 4 sticks of 8gb of DDR4 ram. I am guessing it is related to the SSD that windows is installed on. I don't think i mixed the SATA plugs up, but I might have. As in I installed windows on the drive that isn't first. I'm unsure if this really effects anything. I was thinking it might be a boot order priority problem? But nothing else pops up in the bios. I have never encountered this and am unsure as to what would be causing this.

Other than this the system appears to run completely fine.

I do have a problem with half my screen turning black, but still allowing me to mouse behind it and move the cursor to my second monitor, it takes time for my mouse to pass through it to get to my other screen and vice versa . This happens at restart or when waking the PC up. Unplugging and re plugging the HDMI into the graphics card solves the problem. If anyone has any info on that it would be nice, but the boot problem is priority.

RTX 2080 GPU
I9900k CPU
32gb DDR4
650w PSU
Windows 10



I can provide more info/pics if requested.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys