Boot Loop // No Bios // No Signal to Monitor // RAM Installment


Nov 10, 2015
I have an intel DH67CL Motherboard, AMD Radeon HD 6950 graphics card and 2x2gb DDR3 1333 mHz ram. I decided to buy new ram to upgrade my system so I bought Corsair 2x8gb DDR3 1600 mHz ram. It came in today, so I unplugged all my cables, cut the power off and opened my case. I thought I should clean it too, since it looked ultra-dusty, so I spent an hour or two disattachting the ram sticks, video card etc. and cleaning around with brushes. After I was done I installed the graphics card, old 2x2gigs of ram and the new 2x8 gigs of ram. I booted up and everything was fine, I went into the BIOS settings, I saw the "2+2+8+8", "20 gb memory" texts, so all of the rams were working.I browsed around to change the 1333 mHz value to 1600 value to match up the new ram and check if the other values were right (9-9-9-24 channel thing, I dont know it's name in English). I couldn't find it in any of the tabs, except, in the "Performance" tab, there was a text saying something like "Are you sure you want to edit this manually etc." something like that. I thought the setting I was looking for might be in there so I hit yes. The settings were there, it was already set to 9-9-9-24, the mHz value was 1333 but there were no "1600" option. Max was 1333. So I just left it like that, didn't change anything in any tab, (if I didn't do it accidentaly) and quit the bios settings with "saving the changes". (I know, I wish I hadn't pressed that.)

And since then, I cannot boot my pc. When I try to boot it, the lights turn on, all of the fans start turning (like revving) and after 1-2 seconds everything turns off. Then it all starts running again, then turns off again. Meanwhile there is no signal on the monitor, it never gets out sleep mode. I can turn it off by holding the front power key, when I do that, I hear a "beep" then the system shuts down for good.

Things I've tried so far: Detaching all ram sticks, trying them all one by one / in pairs. Detaching and re-attaching the graphics card, Making sure all the plugs and ports firmly sits in place, BIOS reset through Jumper Modification (It gets out of boot loop, but still no signal on the monitor, so no bios. when i return to the default jumper mode, boot loop starts again) BIOS reset through battery removal // waited 30 mins, nothing changes. The "paperclip" method to make sure the power source was working, and it was. I managed to run it without attaching it to the motherboard.

I'm hoping that I haven't damaged any hardware when I was cleaning, but I paid extra attention when cleaning the fans not to spin them, I touched other pieces of metal before handling the hardware to rid out of static, absolutely never used a vacuum.

I'm sorry for the cringey English and the long story, but I tried to caption everything so that it may help accelerate the solution process. Thanks in advance.

I unplugged everything except CPU, PSU, and one stick of ram from the mother board as you said, I don't have any experience on hardware so I took pics on what I left plugged, please check them and see if they are correct.

The motherboard after I plugged stuff out

One stick of the "old" ram

This big 24 pinned plug, coming from power source

This 4-pinned thing, labeled ATX_CPU which I'm assuming is the connection of CPU (It is on the upper left corner of processor.

And these two small 2-pin plugs, the place I left them is laneled FRONT PANEL, and these two I left are labeled PWR and RST, so I assumed they are the power cords for the Power and Reset buttons on the front. I left them in to be able to boot the computer.

I plugged out graphics card, sata, optical drive, audio and some more plugs that I don't know what for from the MOBO. And I plugges out everything from the case except the power cord, No monitor, no keyboard.

When I pressed the power button, nothing happens. Not even boot loop, no fans turn.
Looks good as far as I can see, is the Heat sink fan on the CPU plugged in? probably a 4 pin connector I can't really see from your photo but plug that in as well if it isn't. Try changing the different sticks of RAM and try them in different slots and see if you can get it to power on with any combination.

Yes it is plugged in, I'm sorry I forgot to mention that.
I've plugged in the led light back,
I've unplugged 4 SATA cables, 2 of them are HDD, 1 is CD-ROM, and the other just seems to go into the front panel, where the power switch is. I plugged that in, and now when I turn the switch on, the led light on the front panel lights up; even before I press the power button. Pressing the power does nothing still, but the light is on now. I don't know if it means anything though.

I'll try what you said with the rams. BRB.

Tried both rams on all slots, none worked,
Tried doing that. still nothing happens. Have I unplugged something neccasery for boot? What does this mean?
The only components that should be needed to are psu, cpu, mobo and ram. Seeing as we have tried all the ram in various slots I think we can say it is not a ram problem and I doubt both ram slots are busted so we can count that out. As far as I can see everything is plugged in correctly so the next thing I would try is using an alternative power supply. and see if the issue is resolved. Have you got another PSU you can use to test?

Unfortunately no, I have no spare PSU, all my friends use laptop pc's.
Right now I'm trying to boot up the pc. I plugged everything back in, but now it won't boot. the front panel led would light, but no power. Maybe I've plugged the front panel plugs incorrectly?

Update: Okay, turns out I've plugged in the front panel plugs incorretly, so now I can power up the pc, and we're back to square one. Boot loop persists, when I try to do a bios reset, the pc actually runs after 3-4 auto-resets, but no monitor signals.

About the PSU: I've tried the paperclip trick to run the psu without attaching it to the motherboard. Does that prove that the psu is well-working, or am I missing the point of paperclip trick?
i hve same issue.. unfortunately i changed the legacy boot option to disable... now it is nt shwng bios itself.. when i swtch on the system it is shwng nothng... can u plss help plss... as soon as pssble