Boot loop or blank screen after post CPU error light is on.


May 8, 2017
So my nice new ryzen build was up and running today. Latest BIOS for the board (F5) decided to run some benchmarks before I dialled in an overclock. I ran a single core Cinebench R15, no problems then tried to run the multicore one. The computer completely froze. No task manager, no blue screen just a frozen display.

So naturally, after waiting a while, I powered the computer off and tried to turn it back on again. It seemed to post fine but then it said 'prepare automatic repair' then restarted itself and posted again. The loading windows circles appear and then black screen. The other variation of what happens is that it does a disk check, restarts windows loading circles and blank. I tried flashing back to a previous BIOS and the same thing happened. Tried one stick of RAM and the same thing happened.

The only other information I can give is that the CPU error light is on when the blank screen comes up, occasionally the RAM and CPU error light alternate being on. I haven't got a clue whats going on here and I'm not even sure this is the right thread but as its the CPU error light that is on I thought it may be the best place.


CPU: R5 1600X @ stock
MoBo: Gigabyte AX370-Gaming 5
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LED 3200 @ 2133
GPU: MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4G
SSD: Samsung 850 EVO 240GB
The initial freeze probably created some issue with Windows, so after rebooting it tried to repair itself. That failed for unknown reason (or maybe it did not? maybe it was taking long enough for monitor to go to sleep mode and you interrupted it thinking it's frozen?). At this point, your only choice is to make OS clean install. But first reset CMOS (if you did not done that yet) to get rid of OC.
Of course, CPU failure due to failed overclock cannot be ruled out.

Thanks for your response.

I have tried to reinstall windows but the same loop happens. I have never overclocked the chip I was running benchmarks at stock before doing an overclock. Its definitely not because the Monitor has gone to sleep due to time as as this all happens within 20 seconds.

Ok so I'm in the BIOS and I'll let it sit here for an hour or so. Whats the next step, as I've had no luck getting into windows or my USB for a clean install?
If BIOS will work, then I would suspect drive failure. BIOS only checks if drive responds, but does not read/write to it. Any attempt to run/install Windows reads from drive, so that could be the cause. Anyway, if BIOS works, you can use that to run memtest to rule out memory error (as that does not require OS).

This is two separate devices though. Both the USB and the SATA SSD cause this issue even when only one of them is plugged in at a time.

OK so its definitely not a drive or OS issue. I plugged the SSD back into my old system and after the drive repaired i got into windows. Plug it back into the other PC. Same problem and it attempts the repair again. Really starting to think something sinister has happened to the CPU. Strange that I can still get into the BIOS and everything seems totally normal.

Do you know how to run a memory test on a gigabyte MoBo?