Boot priority problem on laptop

Dealer of Aces

Jun 23, 2014
I have a samsung series 7 laptop and I just installed a new ssd on it because the hdd failed on me. I'm having problems because it's constantly trying to boot from disc (there is no disc in the system) and I don't have the option to change it on startup. Help?

Also, on another note if anyone has any ideas im having issues with restart, shut down and hibernation. Restart shuts down my computer. When it shuts down it freezes (never boots back up) and hibernation only turns the screen off and the computer never wakes back up. This problem is secondary to the first but I definitely need to solve it regardless.

I did change the boot priorities because i was having problems with it booting from disc using the one-time boot function. Can't get back into bios now. Sleep does the same thing as hibernate. Screen goes off all led's stay on and fans continue running.